Очень важный вопрос о жизни в Канаде

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Очень важный вопрос о жизни в Канаде

Post by perasperaadastra »

If you die in Canada, do you die in real life?

Есть, например вот такое мнение:
I wouldn't be alive today if that was true. I died there once, and here I am posting. A friend of mine even died 11 times. The problem with dying in Canada is that you have to leave the country to become alive again, but once you do that you can re-enter Canada. If you don't live close to the borders it can be very expensive to have to constantly leave and re-enter the country every single time you die.

Some people die forever because they're homeless and nobody is willing to pay for their transportation. Just kidding, there are no homeless people in Canada. The real problem is that if you die of old age and get transported outside of Canada, you might die in real life before you get to return to Canada. Best case scenario is that you'll keep dying over and over again because you're just that old and can't stay alive. In this case, you simply need to accept your fate as a mortal being and stop relying on Canada to stay alive.

An interesting fact is that about 63% of Canada's economy is based on Death Tourism, which involves people visiting Canada to experience the thrill of dying without actually dying.

Recent scientific studies have shown that over-abusing this feature of Canada eventually causes a decline in brain functions. In fact, it is believed that Alzheimer's disease originated from Sir Thomas Wilson, a Canadian notorious for reportedly dying 86 times.
http://www.debate.org/opinions/if-you-d ... -real-life" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Очень важный вопрос о жизни в Канаде

Post by veniki »

Как раз только что осилил опус из 6 частей Дмитрия Руса - Играть чтобы жить, в кратце это LitRPG, жизнь в компьютерных играх, оцифровка сознания, смерти, респаун итд итп.

Это только в российской фантастике популярность из попаданцев перетекат в LitRPG иди в американской тажа фигня?
читая это я первым делом подумал что автор её начитался

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