Вот уже больше двух месяцев идет забастовка инженеров так называемой Hydro One (все электросети Онтарио). Они, инженера, объединенены в профсоюз и выражают свое несогласие с решением руководства кампании установить другие условия для вновь принимаемых инженеров, естественно худшие условия.
Hydro One - public company, и строго говоря собственник, главный держатель акций, это правительство Онтарио (в настоящее время либеральное). Но правительство не вмешивается в эти дела. Они лишь наняли CEO - парня из Австралии, который знаменит умением бороться с профсоюзами, и дали ему зарплату раза в три большую чем например зарплата такого же CEO из Квебека, где размеры кампании больше чем в Онтарио.
Вот открытое письмо одной из активисток забастовки - 80-ти летней женщины, чей сын работает в этой кампании - к примьеру правительства Онтарио:
Dear Premier McGuinty,
I have asked my daughter to type and send this letter to you on my behalf as I am 80 years old and blind and can no longer do this for myself.
I am writing because of your unwillingness to do anything to solve the current strike by the Hydro One workers. I find it hard to believe that you are willing to let this strike go on when what they are fighting for is equality for all new employees. My understanding is that this type of proposal from a company would be illegal in Quebec.
Why are you willing to allow two levels of employment within a Government Agency?
There is only one answer to this and that is politics and money!
The longer this goes on, the more money you save and the tougher you look! The issue here is not the 1000+ presently on strike with Hydro One – the issue is the next group within OPG that will be negotiating.
I immigrated to this country 52 years ago with my husband and oldest son from Holland. We became Canadian citizens because we believe in this country. We have always voted Liberal, but now I am ashamed at how you are dealing with this and particularly why you are doing it!
The man that is running Hydro One – the man from Australia – he does not care about Hydro One. He cares about himself – he has a nice fat bonus riding on the outcome of this! He can afford to wait it out. The people on the picket line are there because they believe what is happening is unfair – to create inequality in a workplace is wrong! They are not fighting over money – they are fighting for the rights of people yet to be employed and for the pensions that they have worked long and hard for – how will you feel if suddenly it was decided that you did not deserve the pension you have worked for? Now they have been on strike far too long – they will never make back what they have lost. They will be cashing in savings, RRSP, selling homes, all for what they believe in. Because they believe in equality!!! Obviously you do not!!! Shame on you!!!
What are you going to do Mr. McGuinty? You and the man from Australia? You are going to laugh your way all the way to the bank… Shame on you!!!! Shame on what you are doing to these people and their families!!! Shame on allowing this to happen when you represent the Province of Ontario and YOU are their employer!!! Shame on you for standing by and ignoring this labour action and for agreeing with the two tiered system that the man from Australia wants to bring in. He wants to get rid of the union! He tells them there is no place for the union. He comes out of his building and blows kisses at the strikers – now there is the kind of behaviour you want from someone running a government agency – lots of class!
The people on the picket line are professionals. They are polite, they clean up after themselves and they are trying to be heard. And you and your staff call them terrorists! Terrorists my foot! One of them is my son! He is no terrorist!!! But that line certainly makes headlines doesn’t it. You and your staff are only out to make some stupid political point of order with the livelihood of these striking Hydro One workers.
Shame on you for putting their livelihood at stake!!! Shame on you for ignoring their calls for arbitration – why is that Mr. McGuinty – are you afraid???? They are not afraid!!!!
Do the right thing Mr. McGuinty and get these two groups back together and BE FAIR!!!! Do not create a two level system – do not take their pensions away from them. If you were the opposition leader you would be calling for the settling of this issue.
Listen, I am 80 years old and who knows what time I have left here but I’ll be darned if I am going to sit by and watch you destroy these people for your own political good – you and the man from Australia!!!
I can not do much but I can make phone calls and I can get people to help me write letters and I will continue to do that until you stand up for the people of Ontario and do what is right and what is fair – not what is good for your political career and the man from Australia!!!
Sincerely yours,
Tilly Vanderreest