Sergunka wrote:Basil wrote:Sergunka wrote:HappyCat wrote:Лангет я уже не покупала, потому что покупала на рынке прекрасный стейк
Вырезка, Стейк и Лангет - это все тот же один кусок мяса на трех разных языках - русском, английском и французком, чему вас только на физтехе учили
Не из любой вырезки steak выйдет. Про лангеты не знаю ничего. A steak должен содержать прожилки жира в нужном кол-ве. of beef steaks
Steaks on the grillChateaubriand steak — Usually served for two, cut from the large head of the tenderloin.
Chuck steak — A cut from neck to the ribs.
Cube steak — A cut of meat, usually top round, tenderized by fierce pounding with a mallet or mechanical blades.
Filet mignon — A small, choice cut from the small end of the tenderloin; the most tender and most expensive cut by weight.
Flank steak — From the underside. Not as tender as steaks cut from the rib or loin.
Flat iron steak — A cut from under the shoulder blade.
Hanger steak or (French) onglet — a steak from near the center of the diaphragm. Flavorful, and very tender towards the edges, but sinewy in the middle. Often called the butcher's tenderloin or hanging tender.
Popeseye steak — thinly sliced Rump steak, originating in Scotland and available in the UK.
American cuts of beef.Rib eye steak — A rib steak consisting of the longissimus muscle and the spinalis or cap. This comes from the primal rib used to make prime rib which is typically oven roasted as opposed to grilled as is typical with rib eye.
Round steak, rump steak, or (French) rumsteak — A cut from the rump of the animal. A true grilling steak with good flavor though it can be tough, if not cooked properly.
Sirloin steak — A steak cut from the hip. Also tends to be less tough, resulting in a higher price tag.
Outside Skirt steak — A steak made from the diaphragm. Very flavorful, but also rather tough.
Inside skirt steak - A steak from the flank or bottom sirloin similar in appearance but more tender than the outside.
Strip steak — (also known as Delmonico, Kansas City strip, New York strip, and Entrecôte), A high-quality steak cut from the strip loin, a muscle that is relatively low in connective tissue, so it is particularly tender.
T-bone steak and Porterhouse - A cut from the tenderloin and strip loin, connected with a T-shaped bone (lumbar vertebra). The two are distinguished by the size of the tenderloin in the cut. T-bones have smaller tenderloin sections, while the Porterhouse – though generally smaller in the strip – will have more tenderloin. T-bone and Porterhouse steaks are among the most expensive steaks on a menu because of the large individual portion size.
Several other foods are called "steak" without actually being steaks:
Salisbury steak — Not a steak, but rather a patty from ground beef made with onions, usually bread crumbs, and occasionally mushrooms. Also known as "Hamburger Steak" or "Minute Steak" (due to its shorter cooking time). It is the least expensive cut of steak, usually because it is made of lower grade meat.
Steak tartare or tartar steak - Finely chopped raw fillet of beef, onion, parsley, capers, a hot sauce (usually Worcestershire) and raw egg.
Стейк практически делается из любой вырезки равно как и лангет. Разница между стейком и лангетом в способе приготовления и в толщине.
С точки зрения названий верно. Однако из одной и той же коровы нельзя получить и Rib Eye и New York. И skirt steak, например, пожаренный как Rib Eye... Вы есть вряд ли захотите.
The skirt steak is a cut of beef steak from the plate (belly) primal cut. It is a long, flat cut that is flavorful, but tougher than most other steak cuts.
It is the cut of choice for making fajitas ("little belts" or "sashes" in Spanish), Cornish pasties and Chinese stir-fry. Skirt steaks are usually marinated and braised over low heat.
Так что стейки тоже разной толщины и по разному готовятся. Если говорить про ресторанный "steak", то его не делают из Skirt Steak, например.