piligrim77 wrote:какие преимущества это им дает?
* potential loss of couple's home from medical expenses of one partner caring for another gravely ill one
* costs of supporting two households, travel, or emigration out of the U.S. for an American citizen unable to legally marry a non-US citizen
* higher cost of purchasing private insurance for partner and children if company is not one of 18% that offer domestic partner benefits
* higher taxes: unlike a company's contribution to an employee's spouse's health insurance, domestic partner benefits are taxed as additional compensation
* legal costs associated with obtaining domestic partner documents to gain some of the power of attorney, health care decision-making, and inheritance rights granted through legal marriage
* higher health costs associated with lack of insurance and preventative care: 20% of same-sex couples have a member who is uninsured compared to 10% of married opposite-sex couples
* current tax law allows a spouse to inherit an unlimited amount from the deceased without incurring an estate tax but an unmarried partner would have to pay the estate tax on the inheritance from her/his partner
* same-sex couples are not eligible to file jointly or separately as a married couple and thus cannot take the advantages of lower tax rates when the individual income of the partners differs significantly
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_m ... ex_Couples