MAKAPOB wrote:Читайте уставы - ни разу не личная. Задач полиции - общественный порядок, а не личная безопасность гр. Пупкина. Нападение на гр. Пупкина интересует полицию постольку, поскольку это сопровождается нарушением общественного порядка. Гр. Пупкин полиции глубоко фиолетов. Если Пупкина это не устраивает, Пупкин нанимает личную охрану.Митяй wrote:Прошу прощения, но полицейские услуги - точно такая же личная необходимость...
трактовка достаточно широка и универсальная медицина сюда явно вписывается для "поддержания здоровья, безопасности и общего благосостояния народонаселения", все по закону... все по Конституции. Не хочешь платить за медицину, извини, брат, надо... ради блага обчества.Police power in U.S. constitutional law, the permissible scope of federal or state legislation so far as it may affect the rights of an individual when those rights conflict with the promotion and maintenance of the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the public.
Касаясь медицины, к примеру: ... lice-powerPeriodically, state courts have had to deal with matters involving private concepts of health in contention with the public's health. One example is the insistence on immunizing school children against certain communicable diseases, or prohibiting children from entering school without such immunization.
The private concerns of the parent who may feel that only he or she has a right to decide what medical treatment the child should have -- or the convictions of a person who feels that medication is an infringement on his or her religious practice -- are matters that do come to state courts from time to time. Again, the court usually finds that the public's right to health tends to outweigh private or individual concerns.
In general, the courts tend to uphold laws exercising what it considers bona fide concerns for the public's well-being, on the ground that the legislature has the discretion to discern public need and to enact legislation in protection of the public interest.