Aleksandra wrote:Колхозник wrote:I don't like the idea of my kids playing with a cat that might have picked up some germs from some pest; I actually forgotten about this very important detail.
Да, по этой причине я не даю своим кошкам играть даже с пойманными в мышеловку мышами. Мне приходилось видеть какое количество паразитов вылазит из мертвых животных (на обочине дорог и т.п.) - зрелище на для слабонервных. Даже змеи заражены ленточными и пр. глистами - а получают они их скорее всего от мышей.
Yep. Dont want to even think of all the crap they carry.
I saw on the several trapped voles some nasty, big (2-3 cm) dark worms that were, basically, eating them (the voles) alive. Kinda just sitting there right under the skin and sticking out a bit.
Nasty. Brr.
This reminds me, btw, I should be handling my mousetraps using gloves.
I, kinda, relaxed and started ignoring the parasite issue. Just wash the hands with soap afterwards.
But should be more careful..