Ви не розумієте терміна "постдок". Університети присвоюють звання Доктора Філософії, постдок - це не звання, це тимчасова посада в Університеті для власника звання Доктора Філософії, Доктор Філософії може знайти інші посади в індустрії та в Університетах.TechDude wrote:I am not so sure about that, I have seen some unhappy business post-docs. Maybe you right, though -- I do not have statistics on that, just a couple of observations.Cliff wrote:С одной поправкой - на бизнесе топ-10/20 не так критично. Позиций много, работу все находят (сразу tenure track, а не бесконечные пост-доки), просто, естественно, надо стараться попасть как можно выше, потому что потом сползать вниз легче чем карабкаться наверх (что тоже в принципе возможно).
It seems to me, though, that a business school department may graduate, say, 5-10 new post-docs every year, possibly more, but there are no 5-10 new teaching positions at the department each year -- perhaps 1-2-3 on average. I think this is typical for many schools. So where do the remaining post-docs go? I think US each year graduates a lot more post-docs than there are positions available. So you better graduate from a good school.
On a positive side, business school teaching positions are usually paid better than most other teaching positions.
Many Russian business PhD's go into finance by leveraging math skills. Accounting might also be OK. To do OB (organizational behavior) or marketing you have to really feel the culture well, which is not so easy to do for a foreigner. Also, great communication skills are more important in OB or marketing than in Finance.
Good luck!
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