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Just like a cart with stones, the rocket’s top speed depends on two things: how much fuel it has to spit out; and at what speed. In mathematics, this is known as the fundamental equation of rocket travel, devised by the father of Russian rocket science, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, in 1911.
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черчиль циолковский, бросая камни с телеги...
As remarkable as it may seem, US space technology is trailing that of Russia by a considerable margin, and closing this gap can be done only slowly and at a great expense to the US taxpayers.
The problem is that nobody can say with certainty, how quickly or how successfully the new engine developments will be achieved. Both Blue Origin and Aerojet are trotting down the same path that the USSR space scientists took in the 1960s. While the Americans have the benefit of knowing that a closed cycle engine is technologically possible, the process of development will be risky and expensive. The pressure and temperature involved in a closed cycle engine require very large testing stands, and potentially a very high tolerance for failure, before the right design can be pinned down. The Russian N-1 rocket exploded four times during the tests. It would be unlikely that the US would go through the new engine development without similar costly hiccups.
It certainly looks that way. But unlike the first space race, when both the USSR and the US reached for new horizons, the second space race seems to be about repeating old accomplishments. Even in the best case scenario, should the US succeed with developing a new closed cycle engine, Americans will not be breaking any new technological ground, but will simply be replicating proven Soviet technology,
that by then will be more than fifty years old.
It is hard to think of a pricier way of reinventing the wheel. Especially today when Russia and the US have so many global security issues that they hold in common.
50 лет назад карл, отсталые совковые инженеры избрели и сейчас в 21 веке самые правильные, софистикейтед изобретатели айфона
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