Easbayguy wrote: ↑17 Dec 2017 07:37
Если без ПИП/2 квартала нот меет ехпецтатионс увольнять, то человек может сесть на унемплоымент и компании повысят страховку.
Я так понял что в Сентябре вы получили плохой ревиеш, сейчас получите второй в Январе и на выход.
честно говоря я сам на 100% не уверен насчет прошлого ревиеш - оценки у нас не ставятся -
вот решил здесь выложит - обясните мне насколько он плохой.
Еще важная деталь - когда я отправил на код ревиеш свой таск И выяснилось что я там что-то упустил, что было в ВБ6 - то индус меня вызвал И выразил свое недовольство И сказал так: ты повторяеш свои ошибки(что не изучаеш досконально что было в ВБ6 в то время когда все менеджеры мониторят результаты твоей работы - т.е. он уже видимо создает обо мне мнение других - хотя зачем он мне это сказал ?
Вот прошлое ревиеш:
1)What have I achieved towards the goals that were expected in the previous quarter:
Me:I have completed all necessary functionality for XXX. It was successfully released to customers. I also learned how to resolve tier-3 tickets and have resolved several tier-3 tickets.
Manager Comments:
1a)XXX- As a team we manage to deliver this with good quality. But as an individual contributor we could have done much better; a lot of work has to be done by Jon Smith around XX and Jeff Ivanov around YY to take it to a stage where it can be delivered to customers.
1b)Good progress and Initiatives on learning new processes and new areas of application while working on Tier 3.
2)What challenges have kept me from achieving the goals/expectations of last quarter?
Me:I did not have enough training for tools and techniques how to resolve tier-3 tickets. I also think I need to learn a little dipper all tools and techniques how to resolve tier-3 tickets.
Manager Comments: Agree with MCP; we have similar challenge being reported from other new folks who were moved to Tier 3 team as well.
3)What are we going to do to address that challenge?
Me:I'm learning dipper tools and techniques how to resolve tier-3 tickets. My suggestion: To do some training for software engineers who just start working with tier-3 tickets. I also willing to share my experience with the rest of our team, who did not work with tier-3 tickets yet.
Managers comment: Since we were not able to plan a training at a program level - but we did some small internal trainings for new engineers - Like John Smith did some sessions on YYY architecture; asked Jeff Ivanov to take a 1:1 session for MCP before he can start on Tier 3. Assigned John and Jeff to help out MCP if he need any help on any Tier 3 ticket.
(ка его считат - посредственным или нот мет експектатионс) ?