Открыл CNN, а там и пишут, куда денежки идут.
The situation: Erica Mohamed, 31, of Houston, Texas, is separated, and has a 6-year-old son, Jeremiah, with a rare congenital heart disease called Tetralogy of Fallot. He has had three open-heart surgeries already, and will need to have another procedure to remove a stent in early adolescence. Mohamed's job, through which she gets insurance, is not secure. Mohamed's mother, Vera Richardson, wrote to CNN's iReport about the situation.
http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/03/23/he ... tml?hpt=C2
Есть ли у общества деньги, чтобы сделать всем нуждающимся 3 операции на сердце? Не факт. Ну, вот, реформа расчистит дорогу, чтобы можно было потратить деньги и на 4-10-ю операцию.
Expert says: Effective this year, in six months, children with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied health care, said Karen Davis, president of the Commonwealth Fund, an independent organization that researches health policy issues.
The situation: Ira Bennett, 47 and self-employed without insurance, is HIV-positive, and had a heart attack in his early 40s. He estimates his income is about $500 a month from doing yard work and watching a friend's house. Since he couldn't pay for the $70,000 bill for his heart attack treatment, the costs fell to the state and federal government. Paying for his AIDS medications, costing around $2,000 a month, also falls to federal funding through the Ryan White Care Act.
Вот и славненько, вот, разработают новое лекарство и можно будет по $4000 доплачивать, а не $2000.
The situation: Sylvia Martinez of Torrance, California, was relieved that her 22-year-old daughter's health coverage will be extended. Her art-major daughter graduates in May and is looking into unpaid internships and jobs in the field; many of them don't provide health insurance.
Martinez says: "It's an amazing reprieve essentially," she said. "People like my daughter can become an artist and pursue her dreams" rather than taking a job for the sake of getting health insurance.
Правильно, зачем зарабатывать деньги, когда можно "pursue dreams", а добрый дядя заплатит? Нет такого закона? Не беда, сейчас примем. Т.е. строится коммунизм - делай что хочешь и получай то что тебе надо.
Опять же, я за то, чтобы ВСЕМ делать ВСЕ необходимое, но на это, просто, не хватит денег.
Как и следовало ожидать, основные вести с полей - это как и куда деньги тратить. Об экономии и снижении издержек победных реляций не поступает.