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Post by tau797 »

The multi-megabyte software upgrades installed four new capabilities into the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity.
The "auto-place" capability enables the rovers to calculate the best targets on which to place their instruments. Before, researchers would have to wait for images from the rovers, command them to perhaps move a bit to line up just right, and then plan a course for the arm to follow to bring the instruments down.
"Auto-place tries to eliminate all that work," Jet Propulsion Laboratory software engineer Khaled Ali told Space.com. "We just checked out the autonomous mode on that and we should see some real benefits from that soon."
The "visual target tracking" capability enables the rovers to lock onto and keep recognizing a target as they move towards it, even if its appearance changes in size or angle as the rovers get closer or run up a slope.
Ideally, the visual target tracking capability will combine with the auto-place feature for an ability dubbed "go and touch," which will allow engineers on Earth to pick a target, for the rover will drive up to and then place instruments on," Ali said

:appl: :appl: :appl:

Вообще, сам факт апгрейда на расстоянии в эти чудовищные миллионы километров - и миллионов байт - и что все заработало - вызывает потрясение и восхищение! :radio%:

Да и срок активного существования марсоходов - выше всяких ожиданий и похвал! Браво!
Любите людей.
King Regards,

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