madam Liza wrote:...Насколько я поняла по фильму Мур спрашивал именно послать детей сенаторов в Ирак...а этот Кеннеди не говорит где эти его племянники... :паин1:
Один племянник был в Афганистане... ... 838660.htm
"The interesting thing is that they used my image, but not my words," Kennedy said. "It's representative of the fact that Michael Moore doesn't always give the whole story, and he's a master of the misleading."
A spokeswoman for the fiercely anti-Bush film, which has found a U.S. distributor after the Walt Disney Co. refused to release it, said she had no comment.
A transcript released by the film's producers shows Moore telling Kennedy that "there is only one member (of Congress) who has a kid over there in Iraq." He asks Kennedy to help him pass out literature encouraging others "to get their kids to enlist in the Army and go over to Iraq."
Kennedy replies, "I'd be happy to. Especially those who voted for the war. (As Kennedy did.) I have a nephew on his way to Afghanistan."
To which Moore replies: "I appreciate it."
Anne Mason, Kennedy's spokeswoman, said Friday that Kennedy now has one nephew in the military and another one who got out of the Navy since the Moore interview. In addition, Kennedy's cousin's son recently completed his military service