Indirect misrepresentation.

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Indirect misrepresentation.

Post by Demon »

Hello, Privetovcy!
I'm waiting for an interview date for my independent immigration. File is in Buffalo since February 2002. Just recently I've changed lawyer to lead my case. Since he took over, he requested all information submitted to Buffalo by my previous lawyer.
Just about three weeks ago Buffalo consulate requested to update my background information for the past year (I was working in Canada, plus I got arranged employment lletter from my boss). Before submittimg this info, we got the forms submitted by old lawyer, and it turned out that she had done some falsification. First of all-none of the forms submitted to Buffalo are signed by us (myself and my wife). But the most horrible thing is, that trying to get me some extra points my old lawyer submitted papers that I have a relative in Canada (which is total fraud-I have no clue who the person is). There was not only certificate of birth, but also a copy of landing for this lady......
I'm in shock. My new lawyer suggested two options:just keep it quiet, submit whatever they are asking for, and pray God they won't find out. Or, honestly inform them about this lie, send them a letter explaining the situation, and hope they will let the case go further. Bot cases are indirect misrepresentation, which means refusal.
I've chosen the second path, so all the paperwork, including my written testimony went to Buffalo. By calculating the points on immigration I'm wa-a-a-a-a--ay over required 67 points. My new lawyer asked them to disregard my "relative" and just calculate points without it.
Do you know what my chances are to get "killed" by immigration officer in regards to situation? What possible scenarios are? Please, share some experience-I'm freaking out. I would be especially happy to hear from people with real experience, and real situations-how it went.
Thank you.
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Post by Strannik223 »

Дааа. 8O
Ну людей с таким опытом ты вряд ли найдешь.
Поступил ты, я думаю правильно. Если твоей подписи под неправдимыми данными нет, то было бы нелогично тебя за это наказывать. С другой стороны, если доверился лойеру, значит все что он делает это то же если бы ты сделал это сам. Пусть юристы прокоментируют как в таком случае получается.
Ну не понимаю я зачем люди с lawyer-ами связываются когда case простой и никаких выкрутасов не надо.
Last edited by Strannik223 on 30 Aug 2004 22:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by blanko27 »

8O Вам надо к кому-то из известных личностей в tor.immi или misc.immigration.canada ньюз группы с этим вопросом обратится. Там или Campbell или David Cohen, или кто-то еще что-то дельное могут присоветовать.
...а мы такой компанией, возьмем, да и припремся к Элис!

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