Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
По серьезным семейным обстоятельствам,нужно срочно выехать в Казахстан.У меня грин карта, старый советский паспорт давно просрочен.В"иммигр" дали анкеты для заролнения,срок ожидания около 3-4 мес.Посоветуйте как ускорить его получение?
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
You need to pay additional $60 to EXPEDITE receiving of travel document, also notify about the date of the planning trip, attach copy of your ticket, it might help. Regarding Russian Consulate,.. that's a lot harder, but still possible. I would recommend to contact Russian Consul to expedite ZAGRAN passport exchange, 'cause he has power; pathetic bureaucracy clerks will exhaust you, everyone wants to be extremely important. They'll let you know in certain SOVIET manner, that you have to wait 6 months & pay $500. Consul might help to get it much sooner with less expanse( $60 for me a few years ago .
Don't forget to take GC with you, you gonna need it at the Russian, and the US border, otherwise Immigration officer wouldn't let you back in. From my previous experience, nobody seemes to care about travel document.
Good luck, Rachel
Don't forget to take GC with you, you gonna need it at the Russian, and the US border, otherwise Immigration officer wouldn't let you back in. From my previous experience, nobody seemes to care about travel document.
Good luck, Rachel
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
Ia polagaiu v dal'neishem, chto vy grajdanka Kazakstana.
Kak ia ponimaiu, vam nekuda stavit' Kazahskuiu vizu. Poetomu vam i nujen travel document.
U vas est' vybor:
1. Poluchit' Kakahskii pasport (obmeniat' staryi sovetskii v Kazahskom konsul'stve). Skol'ko eto zanimaet vremeni - ne znaiu. Vozmojno, u nih est' srochnye procedury. Ne udivlius', esli oni edinstvennye, dorogie i neoficial'nye (vziatka). No ia dumaiu, eto luchshii vybor. Vremeni uidet men'she. Poluchat' Kazahskuiu vizu ne nado.
2. Poluchit' "reentry permit" (esli u vas GC). Zanimaet ot 3-4 nedel' do 3-4 mesiacev, zaranee neizvestno skol'ko. Dal'she nado poluchat' v nego Kazahskuiu vizu.
3. Poluchit' "advance parole" (esli vy v processe podachi na GC, podali I-485). Zanimaet 1 den'. Dal'she nado poluchat' v nego Kazahskuiu vizu. Poskol'ku u vas uje GC, eto ne vash sluchai.
4. Poluchit' "refugee travel document" esli vy v'ehali v USA kak refugee ne iz Kazakstana. Zanimaet stol'ko je vremeni, skol'ko reentry permit. Dal'she nado poluchat' v nego Kazahskuiu vizu.
Vy mojete odnovremenno poluchat' dokumenty 1, 2, 4. Poedete po tomu, kakoi process zavershitsia ran'she.
[This message has been edited by raevsky (edited 08-10-1999).]
Kak ia ponimaiu, vam nekuda stavit' Kazahskuiu vizu. Poetomu vam i nujen travel document.
U vas est' vybor:
1. Poluchit' Kakahskii pasport (obmeniat' staryi sovetskii v Kazahskom konsul'stve). Skol'ko eto zanimaet vremeni - ne znaiu. Vozmojno, u nih est' srochnye procedury. Ne udivlius', esli oni edinstvennye, dorogie i neoficial'nye (vziatka). No ia dumaiu, eto luchshii vybor. Vremeni uidet men'she. Poluchat' Kazahskuiu vizu ne nado.
2. Poluchit' "reentry permit" (esli u vas GC). Zanimaet ot 3-4 nedel' do 3-4 mesiacev, zaranee neizvestno skol'ko. Dal'she nado poluchat' v nego Kazahskuiu vizu.
3. Poluchit' "advance parole" (esli vy v processe podachi na GC, podali I-485). Zanimaet 1 den'. Dal'she nado poluchat' v nego Kazahskuiu vizu. Poskol'ku u vas uje GC, eto ne vash sluchai.
4. Poluchit' "refugee travel document" esli vy v'ehali v USA kak refugee ne iz Kazakstana. Zanimaet stol'ko je vremeni, skol'ko reentry permit. Dal'she nado poluchat' v nego Kazahskuiu vizu.
Vy mojete odnovremenno poluchat' dokumenty 1, 2, 4. Poedete po tomu, kakoi process zavershitsia ran'she.
[This message has been edited by raevsky (edited 08-10-1999).]
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
Спасибо за совет.Карина,а куда конкрентно нужно посылать 60 дол?В иммигр нам дали анкеты и адресс куда их отправить,а также нужно заплатить 90 долл.То есть нужно приложить еще чек на 60 долл и приписать просьбу об ускорении процесса?И все отправить на тот же адресс?С посольством Казахстана тоже не просто.Новый паспорт (т.к у меня старого образца)занимает получить около 4-5 мес и нужно также предоставить кучу справок,которых у меня просто нет.Проще отправить им "тревел"паспорт с вызовом из Казахстана с просьбой поставить визу.Вся проблема как ускорить получение "тревел"паспорта.
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
Kak ia ponial [b:8974764d11]corina[/b:8974764d11], eti $60 i byli vziatkoi rossiiskomu konsulu za uskorenie processa obmena pasporta.
Potomu chto ne suscestvuet puti expedite poluchenia ostal'nyh perechislennyh travel documentov.
[This message has been edited by raevsky (edited 08-10-1999).]
Potomu chto ne suscestvuet puti expedite poluchenia ostal'nyh perechislennyh travel documentov.
[This message has been edited by raevsky (edited 08-10-1999).]
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
It's been a few years, Rachel... Let me see. I think I called 1-800 number for INS, the recorded message gave me several options, I chose Reentry permit, stated my name, address & request. Couple days later I received by mail an application with a separate form to expedite travel document. There is a separate fee of $60 besides $90 application fee.
Raevsky, I don't think it was a bribe. After the interview with Consul, I submitted all required documents & statements, which were sent to MID. Within a month Mr.Consul called me (or left a message, I don't recall) to pick up my new Russian passport. I've sent my friend to pick it up, 'cause I was @ work. She paid $60 to the clerk, that's it. There was no other expanses.
Perhaps I just got lucky?..
Sincerely, Corina
Raevsky, I don't think it was a bribe. After the interview with Consul, I submitted all required documents & statements, which were sent to MID. Within a month Mr.Consul called me (or left a message, I don't recall) to pick up my new Russian passport. I've sent my friend to pick it up, 'cause I was @ work. She paid $60 to the clerk, that's it. There was no other expanses.
Perhaps I just got lucky?..
Sincerely, Corina
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
Eto ochen' legko proverit', vziatka eto byla ili net (vozmojno, chastichno). Oni ne prinimaiut nikakoi formy oplaty krome US postal money order.
Oni ne berut checks i daje bank money order (ili cashier's check) potomu chto ne doveriait nam/vam. Oni ne berut cash, potomu chto ne doveriaut sebe. U nih est' instrukcia, zaprescaiuscaia brat' nalichnye.
Esli vasha podruga platila money order - eto ne vziatka.
Oni ne berut checks i daje bank money order (ili cashier's check) potomu chto ne doveriait nam/vam. Oni ne berut cash, potomu chto ne doveriaut sebe. U nih est' instrukcia, zaprescaiuscaia brat' nalichnye.
Esli vasha podruga platila money order - eto ne vziatka.
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
She paid cash...
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
Rachel, I've noticed in a russian paper a Russian Documentation Center ad. They promise to get Urgent Travel passport in 5 days. I'm not sure if you can rely on them, but you sure might try.
Main office: 1003 N.Fairfax Ave., W.Hollywood, Ca 90046
Tel: (323)650-2011
Fax [img:f750494845]http://www.privet.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img:f750494845]323)650-7397
Main office: 1003 N.Fairfax Ave., W.Hollywood, Ca 90046
Tel: (323)650-2011
Fax [img:f750494845]http://www.privet.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img:f750494845]323)650-7397
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
Rachel, I've noticed in a russian paper a Russian Documentation Center ad. They promise to get Urgent Travel passport in 5 days. I'm not sure if you can rely on them, but you sure might try.
Main office: 1003 N.Fairfax Ave., W.Hollywood, Ca 90046
Tel: (323)650-2011
Fax [img:ea65c0ca3d]http://www.privet.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img:ea65c0ca3d]323)650-7397
Main office: 1003 N.Fairfax Ave., W.Hollywood, Ca 90046
Tel: (323)650-2011
Fax [img:ea65c0ca3d]http://www.privet.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img:ea65c0ca3d]323)650-7397
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Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
Rachel, I've noticed in a russian paper a Russian Documentation Center ad. They promise to get Urgent Travel passport in 5 days. I'm not sure if you can rely on them, but you sure might try.
Main office: 1003 N.Fairfax Ave., W.Hollywood, Ca 90046
Tel: (323)650-2011
Fax [img:5e76a70c4e]http://www.privet.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img:5e76a70c4e]323)650-7397
Main office: 1003 N.Fairfax Ave., W.Hollywood, Ca 90046
Tel: (323)650-2011
Fax [img:5e76a70c4e]http://www.privet.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img:5e76a70c4e]323)650-7397
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- Posts: 62
- Joined: 07 Oct 1999 09:01
- Location: Bay Area
Срочно нужен TRAVEL PASSPORT.Как получить?
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