Korea commercializes flying boat
KOREA WILL BE THE FIRST to commercialize 100-ton W.I.G. (wing in ground) carriers by the year 2010. On June 23, the Korean government reviewed and confirmed business plans to commercialize huge W.I.G. carriers. W.I.G. carriers (a.k.a. flying ships), developed in Russia for military purposes, fly 2 to 15 feet above the sea. Research is under way in the U.S., Japan and five other countries. This is the first attempt to use the W.I.G. carriers for commercial purposes. Should the W.I.G. become commercialized, it will revolutionize water transportation, improving relations between islets and nearby countries. W.I.G. carriers may become the cargo ships for the next generation.
http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/200501/ ... 310230.htm