Если что, перенесите туда пожалуйста.
Собственно вопрос: могу ли я отнести dental implants в itemized tax deduction. Вот что на вебсайте IRS, Publication 502, Medical and Dental Expenses:
Artificial Teeth
You can include in medical expenses the amount you pay for artificial teeth.
Dental Treatment
You can include in medical expenses the amounts you pay for dental treatment. This includes fees paid to dentists for X-rays, fillings, braces, extractions, dentures, etc. But see Teeth Whitening under What Expenses Are Not Includible, later.
Не разрешается:
Cosmetic Surgery
Generally, you cannot include in medical expenses the amount you pay for unnecessary cosmetic surgery. This includes any procedure that is directed at improving the patient's appearance and does not meaningfully promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat illness or disease. You generally cannot include in medical expenses the amount you pay for procedures such as face lifts, hair transplants, hair removal (electrolysis), and liposuction.
You can include in medical expenses the amount you pay for cosmetic surgery if it is necessary to improve a deformity arising from, or directly related to, a congenital abnormality, a personal injury resulting from an accident or trauma, or a disfiguring disease.
Но нет нигде четкого разъяснения насчет dental implants.
А вдруг его защитают как Cosmetic Surgery? Может бумагу от дантиста какую-то надо или еще что нибудь?
Подскажите, если кто знает.