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Post by T.Anna »

Уже много лет страдаю заболеванием кожи на лице. Обращалась к разным врача, пила всякую гадость ( даже Роаккутан), но ничего не помогло.
В Америке относительно недавно. Здесь ещё к кожному врачу не ходила.
Посоветуйте хорошего врача. Боюсь уже к кому попало ходить.
Я живу в штате Maryland, город Rockville.
Всем большое спасибо!
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Post by Elka_CA »

идите к любому дерматологу. Лечение тут стандартное- антибиотик внутрь на пару месяцев плюс спец крем на лицо(их несколько видов)
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Post by aumrdoc »

T.Anna wrote:Здравствуйте!
Уже много лет страдаю заболеванием кожи на лице. Обращалась к разным врача, пила всякую гадость ( даже Роаккутан), но ничего не помогло.
В Америке относительно недавно. Здесь ещё к кожному врачу не ходила.
Посоветуйте хорошего врача. Боюсь уже к кому попало ходить.
Я живу в штате Maryland, город Rockville.
Всем большое спасибо!

Я тоже страдаю acne с детства, и тоже пил accutane 2 курса. Еффеkт держится где-то пару месяцев после приема. после accutane, состояние кожи все таки улучилось а на теле вообче болше ничего не появлялось. Однако побочные еффеkты которые я испытал (сухие губы и нос, слабость, утомляемость, головные боли to name a few) не стоят кратковременного еффекта. Мне Doxycicline с Tazorac помогаыет лучше + sunscreen SPF 55 кажды день. Но если перестать пить антибиотиk, acne вернется in no time. Моы дерматолог советует пить постоянно, ее клиенты сидят на doxy по 20 лет и все еше работает. У меня никаких побочных еффектов от doxy не возникало, но я как то боюсь его постоянно пить... Я принимаю его тока если ухудшениые началось. А так 3 раза в неделю tazorac на ночь пока работаыет. U manya страховка Kaiser, ona покрывает acne. Правда я в Калифорнии. Мои дерматолог работает с acne более 40 лет (старая она...) и сама страдает acne с детства. Еше один пример что acne не проходит с возрастом.
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Post by Дама »

Извините за длинную цитату, но по-моему, все правильно.


If you currently suffer from acne, welcome to what will change your life. That's a promise I do not make lightly, having heard or read that exact same phrase myself more times than I can remember in my seemingly futile quest for clearer skin. This, however, is something quite different. This is my acne program. I have developed and perfected it over years of trial and error, adding things here and there as I've picked them up from countless current and former acne sufferers, dermatologists, estheticians, nutritionists, doctors, naturopaths, herbalists, traditional remedies, "acne cure" online e-books, acne- and skin-related books, medical journals and textbooks, and my own exhaustive personal experience. I have critically and experimentally vetted and discarded in these sources any and all hype, fluff, hearsay, empty jargon, abstract theory, deceptive marketing, baseless superstition, false-promise scamming and kooky quackery; in short, I have kept only what genuinely and consistently works in real life. Everything that follows can and will give you serious results, especially when combined altogether in the system laid out as follows. No matter your doubts or reservations as you read the program, know that everything that has been included has been included for one reason and one reason alone: IT WORKS.

This program also has the unique advantage of integrating only the most effective components of a dozen or so different e-books sold on the internet's leading "cure your acne" websites, some of which you have probably seen and thought about buying. These add up to a combined value of several hundred dollars-- which you're getting as part of an even more comprehensive and effective program... for FREE. I've taken only what actually works from all these expensive sites' "acne cures" and combined them for what is, most assuredly, the ultimate acne program.

I am very confident that anyone with mild to moderate acne, however persistent, will experience substantial if not complete clearing within 4-6 weeks of this program. Results will be visible sooner and the benefits are cumulative, carrying on indefinitely if you maintain as much of the key components of diet, cleansing routine, fast/flush, supplementation, and lifestyle as possible. But remember, the program is only as good as it is followed. If you do only one or two things out of the whole program, your acne will still almost certainly improve at least somewhat; if you do them all, your acne will very likely resolve. Those with severe, cystic, scarring, and/or significant truncal/body acne will experience noticeable improvement from diligent adherence to the program; truly dramatic clearing will follow after several months of consistency and persistence in all the steps.

The foundation of the program takes just 1 month to lay down, during which time you will get used to the increasingly familiar and straightforward daily routines of cleansing, supplementing and eating for clearer skin, complemented by occasional "fast-flushes" to enhance your body's elimination of wastes and toxins which otherwise burden the very organs and processes you will be strengthening for clearer skin. At this point you can begin to enjoy the cumulative benefits which actually enable you to "cheat" more and more as time goes by and as your body continues to "rebuild" itself from within into one that rapidly heals existing acne and ever more powerfully prevents future breakouts. The program starts with a fast and flush to detoxify your body so that you can rebuild it with a fresh start for the organs, systems and processes related to acne; you then settle into a healing but filling and nutritient-dense diet, which is accompanied throughout by a very effective, anti-inflammatory cleansing regimen. All in all, it's a totally comprehensive, safe and virtually guaranteed way to beat your acne! Give it a go-- you won't be disappointed.

Some people may find my regimen a little extreme in a world of quick fixes, but it has cleared and continues to clear me up pretty much completely and consistently, which is more than I can say for the thousands upon thousands of dollars' worth of commercial and prescription products and antibiotics bought and used over years and years to no avail. Let me tell you, to be able to look at myself in the mirror with the light ON for the first time in 7 years has been, at least for me, worth any amount of what follows. Print this out now either for yourself or for a friend or family member with acne-- if they follow this program, you'll be their best friend for life. It may seem daunting on paper but that's just because I've tried to be as thorough as possible so you'll know exactly what to do every step of the way-- if you print it out and read it over a few times you'll see that it's really quite simple, methodical, and more than worthwhile. If you can do the first week, you can do the whole shebang. It gets even easier with time, because as you see your skin start to clear you WANT to keep doing it.

Good luck!

P.S. I've been hearing from people that the program as a whole looks too intimidating. In order to bring the curative powers of my program to as many people as possible, I've restructured it slightly: for those who don't wish to do the whole thing, do just The Cleansing Regimen immediately below. This alone will mostly clear almost anyone, and if you REALLY want to take your results to the next level, add in the SUPPLEMENTATION (SUPPLEMENTATION with CLEANSING WILL clear 99 in a 100), and then for GUARANTEED results do the WHOLE program from top to bottom. You'll thank yourself like crazy.

P.P.S. If you are female and still suffer acne well into or beyond your 20s, especially if it appeared after adolescence, then your acne's underlying causes are most likely hormonal, i.e. an androgenic imbalance (excess male sex hormone levels). This is why when you're on the pill or get pregnant you'd typically find your skin will 'magically' clear up. It's because the elevated female sex hormones suppress the effect of your androgens on the oil glands. Many women, such as one poster on Pg 19 of this thread, attempted this program only to later find out that the fundamental problem was hormonal-- SO many women spend years trying to deal with acne but they never fully resolve it because they're not getting to the root of the problem. If you are a female 25 yrs old + with acne I strongly recommend that you make an appointment with an endocrinologist for comprehensive hormonal profiling (DHT and all androgens) and look into some of the hormonal approaches to acne that will most effectively address your specific case (Spironolactone, birth control, etc.). Good luck, and take heart in that you at least have the optional of hormonal treatment, unlike men. Do your research. Knowledge = Power.

* * * * * * * *


* * * * * * *

(1) The Cleansing Regimen
(starting from first day of program, continuing indefinitely)

(upon rising; takes 25 mins):

- 5 mins steam face over sink/bowl of boiling water (from kettle), towel draped over head to trap in steam

- 5-10 mins lukewarm shower cleanse face w/ Nivea Baby Cleansing Milk
http://www.merchantamerica.com/qlife/in ... duct=41892

- while in shower take dollar-size amount of baking soda and rub wet into handful size paste, massage very gently in circles all over wet face, let sit 1 minute, rinse off

- pat dry after shower; now apply the "apple cider vinegar and water solution": 1 part apple cider vinegar to 6 parts water, e.g. 1 teaspoon (5ml) apple cider vinegar to 6 teaspoons (30ml) water in a bowl (increase concentration gradually with time to 1:2 vinegar to water), with cotton pad dab gently on individual spots, oily, inflamed and acne-prone areas, let dry 10 minutes

- get back in shower and wash off 30 secs w/ cold water OR rinse off gently in sink, let face air dry 1-2 minutes

- moisturize: apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer to damp face as it's drying, massaging gently in light, feathery circles
EITHER this OUTSTANDING moisturizer (available in many pharmacies; look around or google for best online prices)
Allergenics Emollient Cream http://www.wellbeing-uk.com/itemInforma ... Code=E1697
one based on emu oil w/ all natural ingredients
(recommend Emu Essence Naturals' Therapeutic Moisturizing Lotion)
NB: A Jojoba-based moisturizer (ideally just pure Jojoba oil) is apparently also extremely effective; I for one have not personally used this but have had it highly recommend from several reliable authorities who've firsthand experienced or seen others experience great results with it, so you might want to give Jojoba oil a try for a moisturizer in lieu of Emu oil or the Allergenics Emollient Cream. You should be able to find Jojoba Oil, as with Emu Oil, at a good supplement/health food store.

(just before bed; takes 40 mins but you can other things while mask dries):

- 5 mins steam face over sink/bowl as in morning

- crack egg into bowl, scoop out egg yolk with spoon so only egg white is in bowl, add 1 teaspoon fresh squeezed lemon juice to bowl and mix together. apply this w/ cotton pad to face, let dry 20 mins

- 5-10 mins lukewarm shower cleanse face w/ Nivea Baby Cleansing Milk, let face air dry

- apply Nivea Baby Panthenol Ointment let dry 5 minutes
http://www.merchantamerica.com/qlife/in ... duct=41897

- while above moisturizer is drying take 5 aspirins ("uncoated" ideal, buy at any supermarket): crush between backs of 2 spoons into bowl and add 1 teaspoon water and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar into the bowl, wait a minute or two for aspirins to dissolve into a PASTE, stir a bit with finger and then dab this paste on to individual spots. say goodbye to spots and leave on overnight. do nightly for as long as you have individual spots to treat.

* * * * * * *

(starting/continuing the Cleansing Regimen from the first day and maintaining throughout)

* * * * * * *

(2) The Fast-Flush

3 straight days eat only organic golden delicious apples, 12-16 apples per day.
3-4 liters water per day with 1 fresh squeezed lemon diluted per 1 liter (real lemon not bottled lemon juice).

Fourth day eat 4 apples by noon, nothing after.
6PM drink 1 cup (250ml) water w/ 1 teaspoon Epsom salts diluted.
8PM repeat. 9PM shower and cleansing protocol below.
9:45PM Mix 200ml organic extra virgin olive oil with 1 fresh squeezed lemon. Finish evening chores and get ready for bed.
10PM drink whole oil/lemon mixture standing next to bed. Immediately get into bed and lie down on left side raising right leg up to chest, do not move for at least 20 minutes. Try to fall asleep in this position.

Next morning (fifth day) expect possible diarrhea, inspect toilet for floating green balls of bile-cholesterol, this has cleansed your gallbladder, liver and colon.
7AM drink 1 cup water w/ 1 teaspoon Epsom salts diluted.
9AM repeat.
11AM start to drink fresh vegetable and/or fruit juice (no packaged sugary stuff-- real fresh-made healthy juice).
12PM Brunch (first food in 24hours WOW!) 1 kiwi, 1 carrot, 2 apples, 1 orange, 1 half cucumber, 1 celery stalk.
6PM regular food but keep it light.

* Strongly advised: nightly enemas and/or daily psyllium/bentonite shakes and/or 1 teaspoon cream of tartar in mug of hot water upon rising and just before bed, except on 3rd night when taken/performed at 9:15 PM (30mins before olive oil-lemon drink swallowed)

** Optional but strongly advised: daily sauna, if access to one: 3 consecutive sessions 10 minutes each with 1 minute cold shower between each session. This facilitates excretion of toxins through secondary channel of elimination-- the skin-- when toxins are not eliminated efficiently enough through primary channels of elimination-- the bowels and urinary tract-- as can often happen when detoxifying a particularly toxic body.

*** Repeat the Fast-Flush 2 weeks later, and thereafter repeat again once every 2 months

**** Some people have replied stating that for whatever reason they 'hate' apples! If absolutely necessary, replace apples with cucumbers (1 apple = half large cucumber).

***** It is VERY important that you give your body a break while doing the fast-flush. So please find a calm quiet time-- such as a long weekend or holiday-- away from work or school so you can keep stress and exertion to a minimum while your body is in such a deep cleansing state.

* * * * * * *

(3) The Anti-Acne Diet
(starting 5th day and for every day for the next week)

Diet is misleading because you hear it and you think it means you'll starve-- this menu is large enough to feed even the hungriest among us. If it looks too filling, simply eat only what you like from it but try to keep as much of a balance from the listed items as possible.

7AM upon rising (1 hr before breakfast) 1 warm mug green tea w/ 1/2 fresh lemon squeeze and 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
8AM Breakfast: 1 apple; 4 raw egg yolks (no whites); 1 bowl oatmeal w/ 1 handful raisins thrown in; 1 carrot
10AM 1 Liter Water w/ 1/2 fresh lemon squeeze.
12PM Lunch: 1 apple; 1-3 portions chicken/turkey; 1 portion tuna/salmon/cod/mackerel/trout; 1 bowl salad w/ lettuce (no iceberg, romaine ideal) including variety of vegetables and/or fruits and dressed generously with extra virgin olive oil; 1 carrot; 1 kiwi; 1 handful raisins
3PM 1 Liter Water w/ 1/2 fresh lemon squeeze
6PM Dinner: 1 apple; 1 plate brown rice; 2-3 portions chicken/turkey, 1 portion tuna/salmon/cod/mackerel/trout; 1 kiwi; 1 carrot; 1 handful raisins
9 PM 1 Liter Water w/ 1/2 fresh lemon squeeze
10:45PM 1 warm mug green tea w/ 1/2 fresh lemon squeeze and 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
11PM sleep

That's daily 3 liters water w/ 1/2 fresh lemon squeeze per liter, more water if exercising. A few sips of water, red wine, green tea, fruit juice or non-carbonated beverage are fine with a meal but enjoy your 1 Liter water breaks ONLY 2 hours before and 2 hours after meals; never within 1 hour of any meal (dilutes digestive juices impairing proper digestion-- crucial for acne).

After 1 week gradually re-integrate other foods you enjoy, but KEEPING most if not all foods already on the menu, in addition to continuing the supplement regimen below. Allow very moderate amounts of your "vice foods" but remember the universal anti-acne dietary principles:

- little to no sugar (check the label as even "healthy" food can sneak in too much)
- little to no dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt)
- little to no fried food (anything cooked in vegetable oil)
- many whole vegetables
- many whole fruits
- lots (30-35g) of fiber

It is also VERY important to do the following, which is so simple but so often overlooked: chew your food as thoroughly as possible before swallowing, and enjoy your meal at a relaxed pace. This optimizes your digestive efficiency so that your food can be broken down quickly and easily when it arrives in the stomach and passes through the intestines. It is crucial for you as an acne-prone individual that for clear skin you ensure that your digestion is optimal: this and other methods here help to ensure this.

I'm not being flakey and listing these dietary principles just for general health--
this is all specifically for ACNE.

* * * * * * *

(4) The Secret Weapon of Supplementation
(starting on the 5th day and continuing indefinitely)

In my opinion this is the most important part the whole program. The Cleansing Regimen will help get you clear from the outside in, but what follows, if done in its entirety exactly as advised, will get you clear from the inside out. I can't stress enough how powerful this will be for you in getting the results I know you want-- the only way you'll believe it is when you see the results for yourself in your very own mirror.

Take the following 3 times per day, always with food
(i.e. with breakfast, lunch, dinner):

- 1 capsule Probiotic/Acidophilus
(most powerful probiotic Primal Defense by Garden of Life)

- 2 capsules DermaCleanse by ZenMed
(VERY, VERY, VERY IMPORTANT: only take 3 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 3 weeks on, 2 weeks off, and so on; taking continuously results in clearing, breakout, clearing and so on; however, cycling as I advise results in sustained and ongoing clearing; only buy capsules nothing else)

- 1 tablespoon Total EFA
http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/sun/efa.html or a good Essential Fatty Acid Omega-3 oil blend (liquid not capsules)

- if male: 2 capsules Saw Palmetto
http://www.mothernature.com/search/inde ... e=Products

- if female: 2 capsules Chasteberry
http://www.mothernature.com/search/inde ... e=Products

- if cystic acne (bumps and lumps that can't be popped-- nor should you try!):
-> 2 capsules Deodorized Garlic tablet
http://www.mothernature.com/search/inde ... e=Products
-> 1 capsule Olive Leaf Extract
http://www.mothernature.com/search/inde ... e=Products
-> 1 capsule Oregano Oil
http://www.mothernature.com/search/inde ... e=Products

- if suspected weak digestion: 1 capsule digestive enzyme blend
(most powerful digestive enzyme supplement OmegaZyme by Garden of Life)

Take this with breakfast:

- 1 multivitamin
DermaMed PhytoMe:
http://www.dermamed.com/product_details ... efault.asp
Perfectil: Skin, Hair and Nails
http://us.vitabiotics.com/perfectil/per ... ID=18&sm=1

Take the following 2 times per day, always with food
(i.e. with breakfast and then again with dinner)

- 15,000 IU Vitamin A
- 1 B-Complex
- 3,000mg Vitamin C
- 400IU Vitamin E
- 50mg Zinc
- 200ug Selenium
- 200ug Chromium


* If pregnant or conceiving please consult your physician before taking any supplements, ESPECIALLY concerning vitamin A

** If taking the drug Accutane for acne do not supplement with Vitamin A beyond a multivitamin (but NOT DermaMed PhytoMe-- it contains too much to take while on Accutane); if concerned about possible interactions between supplements and any drug/s you may be taking, please consult your physician

*** If taking DermaMed PhytoMe multivitamin, reduce further vitamin A supplementation to 10,000IU per day

**** Continue taking supplements during second and subsequent fast-flushes

- If you also have those unsightly blotchy red marks (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) that just don't seem to fade: 10g (2 teaspoons) MSM (sulfur powder available at any vitamin store) diluted in 1 large glass water; drink it down all at once. Do this every day until red marks fade completely. This combined with the other supplements below, especially the vitamin C, will more or less COMPLETELY clear red marks if taken daily for MINIMUM 2 months. (Just see my own photo below for the complete change in skin tone if you don't believe me!)

* * * * * *

(5) General Tips

* Sleep deprivation, insomnia and imbalanced sleep patterns (out of sync with day-night/light-dark) not only offset your body clock affecting homeostasis but also increase sebum production, potentially causing and/or worsening acne. The solution? Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep consistently and at reasonable hours, i.e. fall asleep by 10-11PM and wake up around 7-8AM.

* Increased circulation delivers nourishing and revitalising oxygenation and nutrients via bloodstream to skin cells as to rest of body for greater skin health and anti-inflammatory effects on acne: exercise 30-60 mins 3 x weekly, drinking extra water as desired (shower lukewarm water quickly after exercise, no cleanser, emu oil moisturizer on damp skin)

* Further benefit derived from 10g (2 teaspoons) MSM (form of sulfur sold in all health stores) diluted per 1 liter water consumed daily for increased collagen production and improved skin texture, tone, smoothness and suppleness

* Do not pop, pick, push, pull, poke, squeeze, rub or in any way touch your acne. As a rule of thumb (no pun intended), avoid touching your face at all times. The only time you should be touching your face is during the cleansing regimen

* Take at least 10 mins every day to lie down in a quiet space alone (while your mask dries is an excellent time): closing your eyes, breath in very slow and deep through your nose while pushing out your stomach, and then out through your mouth very slow and strong while relaxing your stomach; think only of your breathing and enjoy the sense of calm and clarity you will experience

* Regardless of how you feel, and especially if you've got the blues, laugh as hard as you possibly can at least once every day at whatever it is that can make you laugh-- just try this and you'll feel and see the difference

Your acne WILL get better.

* * * * * * * * * * Be Patient. Be Persistent. Be Consistent. Be Clear. * * * * * * * *

To give an indication of real results with my program, and perhaps encourage you toward your own, here is my own improvement in just over 2 months (I cleared significantly much sooner, including the cystic body acne you can't see):

January 11 2005 vs March 23 2005
Almost none of the program vs Almost all of the program

http://www.acne.org/messageboard/index. ... st&id=1053

http://www.acne.org/messageboard/index. ... opic=47719
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Post by olgat »

Блин, ну ето ж умереть и не встать.

Мои 2 цента. На лице у меня высыпает периодически. К врачу никогда не ходила по етому поводу. Перепробовала кучу магазинный средств + proactive + постоянные facials и. т.д

Прошлым летом в Мосвке купила L'Oreal Pure Zone: http://www.lorealparis.ca/en/skincare/p ... tation.asp

Лицо стало как картинка за 1-2 месяца. В US оно чего то плохо продается. В основном только online. Покупаю в ulta.com
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Post by OMR »

Попробуйте ограничить количество молока и всех молочных продуктов, включая сыр, йогурт, масло и т.д. Попробуйте такую безмолочную диету на 3-4 недели, только надо полностью исключить молоко, даже whey powder, который тут любят засовывать во все куда угодно - и в хлеб, и в колбасу и даже в Salad dressings, т..е. везде. Часто в обычное молоко попадает молоко беременных коров с их гормонами и они могут влиять на кожу. К сожалению, научных исследований на эту тему мало, так что можно в это верить или не верить, но попробовать можно. Вот здесь можно прочитать поподробнее:
http://www.godairyfree.org/Health-Info/ ... /Acne.html

Также можно попробовать Zinc supplement, достаточно 25mg в день.

Также Benzoyle Peroxide должен помочь, только с ним надо быть осторожным поскольку он не для чувствительной кожи и раздражает кожу. И вообще надо быть очень осторожным со всеми этими чистящими средствами для acne, нежелательно их применять длительное время, особенно если есть склонность к чувствительной коже.

К дерматологу тоже надо бы сходить. Скорее всего, он назначит антибиотик внутрь и антибиотиковый крем снаружи.

Вот еще информация о Acne and Food Allergies:
http://www.foodallergysolutions.com/foo ... s0402.html

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