Администрация Буша планирует присвоить Иранскому Корпусу Стражей Революции (Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)) статус глобальной террористической спецорганизации, попутно обвинив IRGC в прямой помощи шиитским группировкам, воюющим в Ираке. Присвоение этого статуса, с точки зрения нынешней администрации, ставит Корпус Стражей Революции вне закона и оправдывает любые военные действия, направленные на уничтожение IRGC.
Согласно заявлению, сделанному Бобом Баером (Bob Baer) в телеинтервью FoxNews, бывшим сотрудником ЦРУ, администрация Буша собирается в течении ближайших шести месяцев нанести ряд "точечных" ударов по базам Иранского Корпуса Стражей Революции. Крайне рекомендую видео:
"I've taken an informal poll inside the government," Baer told Fox. "The feeling is we will hit the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps."
Baer explained that what his sources anticipate is "not exactly a war." He said the administration is convinced "that the Iranians are interfering in Iraq and the rest of the Gulf" but that "if there is an attack on Iran it would be very quick, it would be a warning."
"We won't see American troops cross the border. .The simply can not afford to have policy leaked out, the can not send policy papers through the bureaucracy and have it ended in NY and WP. If this is going to happen, it's going to happen very quickly and it's going to surprise a lot of people," said Baer. "I hope I'm wrong frankly, but we're going to see."
Question: "So, you are saying today that attack will happen on Iran within six months?"
Baer: "That is the conventional wisdom of people who follow Iran in Washington. They tell me, and I am writing a book on Iran right now, they said you'd better hurry up cause this attack is coming quickly."
Свои взгляды Baer изложил в колонке журнала Time:
Prelude to an Attack on Iranhttp://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1654188,00.htmlReports that the Bush Administration will put Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on the terrorism list can be read in one of two ways: it's either more bluster or, ominously, a wind-up for a strike on Iran. Officials I talk to in Washington vote for a hit on the IRGC, maybe within the next six months. And they think that as long as we have bombers and missiles in the air, we will hit Iran's nuclear facilities. An awe and shock campaign, lite, if you will. But frankly they're guessing; after Iraq the White House trusts no one, especially the bureaucracy.
Strengthening the Administration's case for a strike on Iran, there's a belief among neo-cons that the IRGC is the one obstacle to democratic and a friendly Iran. They believe that if we were to get rid of the IRGC, the clerics would fall, and our thirty-years war with Iran over. It's another neo-con delusion, but still it informs White House thinking.
And what do we do if just the opposite happens — a strike on Iran unifies Iranians behind the regime? An Administration official told me it's not even a consideration. "IRGC IED's are a casus belli for this administration. There will be an attack on Iran."
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