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Кто что знает?

Post by Sergey___K »

Прошу прощения, если баян или 1 апреля.


John Kanzius, a former broadcast executive from Pennsylvania, attracted media attention in 2007 upon claims to having developed a way to produce energy by burning saltwater, by means of a radio frequency generator that releases the oxygen and hydrogen from saltwater and create an intense flame. Skeptics propose that the process would consume more energy than it would create, and Kanzius has admitted that this is currently the case, however the specifics of the process are still unreleased while Kanzius applies for a patent.[1]
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Post by Cliff »

Мужик, по крайней мере, реальный, и имеет несколько патентов (точнее, аппликаций), связанных с радиоволнами: http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-adv.html&r=0&p=1&f=S&l=50&Query=IN%2FKanzius&d=PG01
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Post by vaduz »

What's the buzz, собственно?

Skeptics propose that the process would consume more energy than it would create, and Kanzius has admitted that this is currently the case
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Post by KP580BE51 »

vaduz wrote:What's the buzz, собственно?

Skeptics propose that the process would consume more energy than it would create, and Kanzius has admitted that this is currently the case

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