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Ivan, а зачем Вам так радикально сменять область деятельности на финансы? Да, там больше всего денег, но у Вас там нет никакого опыта. Получайте MBA в hi-tech Product Marketing, Engineering Management, Entrepreneurship и продвигайтесь в Management карьере в больших компаниях в Долине или открывайте свой startup.
Или наоборот, уходите в кванты, делайте MS/PhD в Financial Engineering / Physics / Math / CS.
Или наоборот, уходите в кванты, делайте MS/PhD в Financial Engineering / Physics / Math / CS.
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dB13, все около-айтишные примочки остаются со мной и так, и с МВА из хорошего места, ХУЖЕ мои шансы не станут (за 1.5 года моего отсуствия в индустрии даже очередной новый фраймвок выйти не успеет), да и потом консалтинга немного можно оставить , ну если учеба позволит.
Насчет квантов беседовал как раз с человеком с местным PhD в них (work in NYC in ML). Он мне прямо сказал, кванты хорошо, МВА лучше. В принципе этот путь оставлен как запасной (есть надежда, что требования на GRE ниже по языку, чем GMAT). И потом тогда уж надо степень в статистике получать И в квантах. То что сказал тот же человек, да лет 10 назад, когда не было специализированных квантов брали из физиков. Сейчас нечего выеживаться с физикой, раз уж есть полно мест, кто квантов штампует 24 х 7.
Компьютер Сайнс для человека, который уже 10 лет в IT? Точно выкинутое время. В нашем универе, это 12 курсов, 5 или 6 из которых я знаю железно, поскольку штудирую перед поисками работы. Как оказалось, если разрабатывается сейцтвительно серьзный продукт, с компьютингом, распределенными вещами, то без PhDs из Стенфорда и MIT в качестве консультантов дело не обходится. Cамому PhD? Mожет головы не хватить, да и это 5 лет пахоты. Насчет стартапов я писал выше.
На самом деле, поскольку я не могу сформулировать точно, что именно я хочу, я изучаю область "следующего уровня" детальнее.
Насчет квантов беседовал как раз с человеком с местным PhD в них (work in NYC in ML). Он мне прямо сказал, кванты хорошо, МВА лучше. В принципе этот путь оставлен как запасной (есть надежда, что требования на GRE ниже по языку, чем GMAT). И потом тогда уж надо степень в статистике получать И в квантах. То что сказал тот же человек, да лет 10 назад, когда не было специализированных квантов брали из физиков. Сейчас нечего выеживаться с физикой, раз уж есть полно мест, кто квантов штампует 24 х 7.
Компьютер Сайнс для человека, который уже 10 лет в IT? Точно выкинутое время. В нашем универе, это 12 курсов, 5 или 6 из которых я знаю железно, поскольку штудирую перед поисками работы. Как оказалось, если разрабатывается сейцтвительно серьзный продукт, с компьютингом, распределенными вещами, то без PhDs из Стенфорда и MIT в качестве консультантов дело не обходится. Cамому PhD? Mожет головы не хватить, да и это 5 лет пахоты. Насчет стартапов я писал выше.
На самом деле, поскольку я не могу сформулировать точно, что именно я хочу, я изучаю область "следующего уровня" детальнее.
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AlienCreature wrote:urbanista wrote:большей билиберды не слышала еще. Где вы там учились?
Dear urbanista, did you go to an Ivey league school? Did you personally go to Wall Street having background in engineering? I believe the answer is no and no. So who are you to question my experience if my answer is yes and yes? And don't even try to make this discussion personal - that doesn't make you look good. The healthy dose of pessimism hasn't hurt anybody yet.
Ой. Я про себя лично не писала. Меня wall street никогда не интересовала. Я пишу про свою половину, для которого ответ yes and yes.
Кроме того, мои клиенты это как раз банки, и у меня много связей в этой области. Я вижу, кто там рабоает и как они туда попали.
А если вам удалось таки пробиться на wall street с инженерским бакгаундом, чего же вы тут свои депрессивные баллады постите? Если у вас получилось, почемы вы считаете, что у автора не получится? Вы себя умнее/удачливее/пробивнее его считаете?
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urbanista wrote: чего же вы тут свои депрессивные баллады постите? Если у вас получилось, почемы вы считаете, что у автора не получится? Вы себя умнее/удачливее/пробивнее его считаете?
Потому что мне в свое время пршлось довольно наслушаться того что вы тут постите - все хорошо, все находят работу, да тут за нашими выпускниками очередь стоит, да вы че, все будет ти-топ, school is so much fun, yada-yada-yada. Guess what, it turned out to be not fun at all, getting a job was so damn hard, your big brand school name doesn't help you, the overall experience has been extremely negative and miserable and definetely way below my expectations that were inflated by people like you and the school officers. This is why my key point is - manage your expectations. And I really wish I was prepared for this - the reality - not for the castles in the air that the admission office and alums who have forgotten how it was were painting for me.
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Ivan Popugaev wrote:Причем мой знакомый из NYC (from top-5 bs), так и просто мне сказал, что самая главная задача, это серьезно учиться первый год, и получить интершип, например в Голден Саксе. Потом уже не важно. Это я к тому, что сомнительно, что научат, скорее просто попадя в клуб, получишь возможность научиться сам. .
Я имею представления из личного опыта о 3х разных MBA программах. Я согласен с вашим знакомым. MBA это самое фуфловое образование которое можно придумать. Оно не имеет никакой связи с тем что MBA's делают после выпуска. Единственное что MBA программа делает для выпусников: 1) buzzwords (всю термнинологию будете знать), 2) дают человеку правильный mindset и ложную уверенность в том что он что то понимает лучше других, 3) дают человеку сильный стимул работать после выпуска (120+ in loans), 4) ну и самое главное дает пропуск на interview с самыми самыми работадателями.
После работы несколько лет, у вас появятся знания рынка и связи. Тогда вы и можете заработать существенно больше чем 200К.
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To Ivan:
Different people have different opinions about MBA -- this is normal. What matters is what is right for you, so trust your gut feeling. Most important is to know why do you go for MBA. If the answer is mostly for money, chances are that you will be disappointed, because you are already comfortable financially. More money does not mean more life satisfaction. Instead, I would suggest that you find some people who work in the industry that you are interested in (Wall Street finances, for example), and ask them about what do they do and how does it feel, what do they enjoy about their work, and what do they dislike about their jobs. Collect enough information and opinions, then decide whether this is something that will make you happy or not.
Regarding the employment chances, salary, etc: if you really want to get into Wall Street finance, you can _probably_ make it without pre-MBA finance experience if you are willing to work VERY hard at it. It is not easy, but not impossible either. US is a country of unlimited second chances, you just have to be willing to work much harder than other candidates with more relevant experience, stay optimistic, and have some luck. It will also help if you get some exposure to finance before you go into MBA. Plus you have to get an internship in a Wall Street firm during summer after the first year.
Regarding the benefits of an MBA program: they are different for everybody, it depends on you. Personally, I went to one of the top 5 MBA programs and loved it. The biggest advantages for me were that I grew up as a person big time, expanded the field of what I am capable of doing, learned a lot about the world, developed a network of contacts and friends, learned practical skills that help me do business in my industry, and enjoyed the studies and social life big time while at school. This is personal and different for everybody. The more you know ahead of time as to why you go to busines school, the more you can benefit from it. My personal motivation to go for MBA was that I wanted to have a good time at school, and become better at what I do for living. I got that, and a lot more.
Regarding the finance specifically: I do not work in finance, but have many friends who do. As far as I can tell from their stories, the advantages are that the work is creative, and the payout is good if you are successful. The disadvantage is that Wall Street is a hard-nosed place to work: people are not necessarily nice and you have to fight for yourself and prove yourself every year.
Again, this is all personal -- skol'ko lyudei, stol'ko mnenij. You have to find what is right for you.
Sorry, I probably won't have time to respond to any follow-up posts.
Good luck, believe in yourself, and trust your intuition!
Different people have different opinions about MBA -- this is normal. What matters is what is right for you, so trust your gut feeling. Most important is to know why do you go for MBA. If the answer is mostly for money, chances are that you will be disappointed, because you are already comfortable financially. More money does not mean more life satisfaction. Instead, I would suggest that you find some people who work in the industry that you are interested in (Wall Street finances, for example), and ask them about what do they do and how does it feel, what do they enjoy about their work, and what do they dislike about their jobs. Collect enough information and opinions, then decide whether this is something that will make you happy or not.
Regarding the employment chances, salary, etc: if you really want to get into Wall Street finance, you can _probably_ make it without pre-MBA finance experience if you are willing to work VERY hard at it. It is not easy, but not impossible either. US is a country of unlimited second chances, you just have to be willing to work much harder than other candidates with more relevant experience, stay optimistic, and have some luck. It will also help if you get some exposure to finance before you go into MBA. Plus you have to get an internship in a Wall Street firm during summer after the first year.
Regarding the benefits of an MBA program: they are different for everybody, it depends on you. Personally, I went to one of the top 5 MBA programs and loved it. The biggest advantages for me were that I grew up as a person big time, expanded the field of what I am capable of doing, learned a lot about the world, developed a network of contacts and friends, learned practical skills that help me do business in my industry, and enjoyed the studies and social life big time while at school. This is personal and different for everybody. The more you know ahead of time as to why you go to busines school, the more you can benefit from it. My personal motivation to go for MBA was that I wanted to have a good time at school, and become better at what I do for living. I got that, and a lot more.
Regarding the finance specifically: I do not work in finance, but have many friends who do. As far as I can tell from their stories, the advantages are that the work is creative, and the payout is good if you are successful. The disadvantage is that Wall Street is a hard-nosed place to work: people are not necessarily nice and you have to fight for yourself and prove yourself every year.
Again, this is all personal -- skol'ko lyudei, stol'ko mnenij. You have to find what is right for you.
Sorry, I probably won't have time to respond to any follow-up posts.
Good luck, believe in yourself, and trust your intuition!
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DanielMa wrote:Я имею представления из личного опыта о 3х разных MBA программах. Я согласен с вашим знакомым. MBA это самое фуфловое образование которое можно придумать. Оно не имеет никакой связи с тем что MBA's делают после выпуска.
This is another dumb statement. Academically-wise MBA programs are very well-rounded and can provide a pretty solid foundation. Different schools focus on different areas, some are strong in management, some in finance, some in marketing and so on. For example, my school has a very strong investment management program, which is taught by alumni hedge-fund analysts and portfolio managers. Some classes are taught off-campus, in the form of seminars and investment ideas presentations in their offices. People who enter this program essentially work part time as buy-side financial analysts - the exact role they will be taking post graduation.
But of course, DanielMa knows better
This is exactly why I try not to participate in these kind of discussions - you always get a bunch of people who know just everything and make pretty strong statements based on their boy/friends experience
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AlienCreature и Urbanista правы по-своему. Действительно, практически каждый находит после хорошей программы "A JOB". "THE JOB" найти очень тяжело и это то, о чем говорит AlienCreature.
Учитывая, что у Вас текущий доход 200К, Вам будет нужна THE JOB in finance to make it work financially. You will lose 300K in income and 100K in tuition. Теперь пойдем на сайт Вортон, к примеру, и посмотрим компенсацию после окончания. Median is 110K (thas is A JOB), the range is 28K to 392K (THE JOB). Now, re-read again alienCreature who you will be competing against going after that job. And, obviosly 392K is an outlier. If you were making 60-70K, an MBA from a top school would be a no-brainer. In your situation it is more like a brain teaser.
Учитывая, что у Вас текущий доход 200К, Вам будет нужна THE JOB in finance to make it work financially. You will lose 300K in income and 100K in tuition. Теперь пойдем на сайт Вортон, к примеру, и посмотрим компенсацию после окончания. Median is 110K (thas is A JOB), the range is 28K to 392K (THE JOB). Now, re-read again alienCreature who you will be competing against going after that job. And, obviosly 392K is an outlier. If you were making 60-70K, an MBA from a top school would be a no-brainer. In your situation it is more like a brain teaser.
Last edited by colona on 28 Feb 2008 16:11, edited 1 time in total.
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colona wrote:AlienCreature и Urbanista правы по-своему. Действительно, практически каждый находит после хорошей программы "A JOB". "THE JOB" найти очень тяжело и это то, о чем говорит AlienCreature.
Учитывая, что у Вас текущий доход 200К, Вам будет нужна THE JOB in finance to make it work financially. You will lose 300K in income and 100K in tuition. Теперь пойдем на сайт Вортон, к примеру, и посмотрим компенсацию после окончания. Median is 110K (thas is A JOB), the range is 28K to 392K (THE JOB). Now, re-read again alienCreature who you will be competing against going after that job. And, obviosly 392K is an outlier. If you were making 60-70K, an MBA from a top school would be a no-brainer. In yuor situation it is more like a brain teaser.
Это за 2006 год цифры? Если да - то я знаю мужика, который 28K получил. Он только с тех пор стал партнером той компании.
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zhk wrote:colona wrote:AlienCreature и Urbanista правы по-своему. Действительно, практически каждый находит после хорошей программы "A JOB". "THE JOB" найти очень тяжело и это то, о чем говорит AlienCreature.
Учитывая, что у Вас текущий доход 200К, Вам будет нужна THE JOB in finance to make it work financially. You will lose 300K in income and 100K in tuition. Теперь пойдем на сайт Вортон, к примеру, и посмотрим компенсацию после окончания. Median is 110K (thas is A JOB), the range is 28K to 392K (THE JOB). Now, re-read again alienCreature who you will be competing against going after that job. And, obviosly 392K is an outlier. If you were making 60-70K, an MBA from a top school would be a no-brainer. In yuor situation it is more like a brain teaser.
Это за 2006 год цифры? Если да - то я знаю мужика, который 28K получил. Он только с тех пор стал партнером той компании.
that was 2007.. he'd better be killing the school statistics for a good reason
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AlienCreature wrote:DanielMa wrote:Я имею представления из личного опыта о 3х разных MBA программах. Я согласен с вашим знакомым. MBA это самое фуфловое образование которое можно придумать. Оно не имеет никакой связи с тем что MBA's делают после выпуска.
This is another dumb statement. Academically-wise MBA programs are very well-rounded and can provide a pretty solid foundation. Different schools focus on different areas, some are strong in management, some in finance, some in marketing and so on.
But of course, DanielMa knows better
I have an MBA and I've taken MBA classes at three different programs. I am sorry, but academically they all are a joke. Everyone gets an A or at least a B, regardless of the effort. Endless team building projects, trips and parties. People spend way more time looking for a job or reading Wall Street Journal than studying for classes. And employers pretty much hire for summer interns regardless of their grades. There is no incentive to study, most people don't study very hard, and the academic expectations are pretty low.
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DanielMa wrote:I have an MBA and I've taken MBA classes at three different programs. I am sorry, but academically they all are a joke. Everyone gets an A or at least a B, regardless of the effort. Endless team building projects, trips and parties. People spend way more time looking for a job or reading Wall Street Journal than studying for classes. And employers pretty much hire for summer interns regardless of their grades. There is no incentive to study, most people don't study very hard, and the academic expectations are pretty low.
You're so annoying in your ignorance. Re-read my post above about the classes that my school offers. And "everybody gets an A"? You made my day. Ever heard of forced bell curve grade distribution? Only top 20% gets an A (or whatever it's called), in top schools at least.
Whatever, I am done with you. As I said, there're too many people who think they know everything - it is not my life mission to educate them
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AlienCreature wrote:urbanista wrote: чего же вы тут свои депрессивные баллады постите? Если у вас получилось, почемы вы считаете, что у автора не получится? Вы себя умнее/удачливее/пробивнее его считаете?
Потому что мне в свое время пршлось довольно наслушаться того что вы тут постите - все хорошо, все находят работу, да тут за нашими выпускниками очередь стоит, да вы че, все будет ти-топ, school is so much fun, yada-yada-yada. Guess what, it turned out to be not fun at all, getting a job was so damn hard, your big brand school name doesn't help you, the overall experience has been extremely negative and miserable and definetely way below my expectations that were inflated by people like you and the school officers. This is why my key point is - manage your expectations. And I really wish I was prepared for this - the reality - not for the castles in the air that the admission office and alums who have forgotten how it was were painting for me.
Очевидно, это проблема вашей школы. Я собиралась идти в область, никак не связанную с моим опытом. Мне во время admissions interview задавали вопрос: как вы собираетесь пробиваться, не имея опыта в даной области. И действительно, у моей двери не стояла очередь работодателей. Приходилось стучать в закрытые двери. Итог: работа какую хотела.
То, что вы не подумали об элементарных вещах, это ваша проблема. То что вам не говорили всю правду admissions officers - проблема вашей школы. Заметьте, я нигде не писала, что легко было найти работу. Я писала, что кто хотел и приложил необходимые усилия, все нашли. Вот и вы нашли, хоть и было трудно. Об чем спор?
Кстати, у нас были умнейшие люди, которые просто отказывались стучать в закрытые двери, и до сих пор отказываются. Я не знаю что это - гордость или обычная глупость. Но МБА не расчитано на людей, не умеющих продать себя, какими бы умными они не были.
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colona wrote:AlienCreature и Urbanista правы по-своему. Действительно, практически каждый находит после хорошей программы "A JOB". "THE JOB" найти очень тяжело и это то, о чем говорит AlienCreature.
Учитывая, что у Вас текущий доход 200К, Вам будет нужна THE JOB in finance to make it work financially. You will lose 300K in income and 100K in tuition. Теперь пойдем на сайт Вортон, к примеру, и посмотрим компенсацию после окончания. Median is 110K (thas is A JOB), the range is 28K to 392K (THE JOB). Now, re-read again alienCreature who you will be competing against going after that job. And, obviosly 392K is an outlier. If you were making 60-70K, an MBA from a top school would be a no-brainer. In your situation it is more like a brain teaser.
Полностью с вами согласна. Но автор писал, что вроде достиг потолка в своей профессии и что сильно больше своих 200к ему наверное не заработать. Так что можно прикинуть перспективу даже когда начинаешь с 110к, но есть гораздо больший upside potential в будущем.
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AlienCreature wrote:DanielMa wrote:I have an MBA and I've taken MBA classes at three different programs. I am sorry, but academically they all are a joke. Everyone gets an A or at least a B, regardless of the effort. Endless team building projects, trips and parties. People spend way more time looking for a job or reading Wall Street Journal than studying for classes. And employers pretty much hire for summer interns regardless of their grades. There is no incentive to study, most people don't study very hard, and the academic expectations are pretty low.
You're so annoying in your ignorance. Re-read my post above about the classes that my school offers. And "everybody gets an A"? You made my day. Ever heard of forced bell curve grade distribution? Only top 20% gets an A (or whatever it's called), in top schools at least.
Whatever, I am done with you. As I said, there're too many people who think they know everything - it is not my life mission to educate them
Curve in МBA? I don't know of any top MBA program that has a real curve. NYU Stern, for example, only requires that in CORE corses no more than 35% receive an A. (35% is a third and everyone else can get a B+. And outside of core courses, no curves at all). Berkley has a similar policy. Columbia has no curve. In Harvard, the "curve" is that 90% get A's or B's. Northwestern doesn't have a curves. Michigan has a curve where 60% (70% in elective courses) get A or A-.
So yeah, I do know more than you, at least in this area. Maybe your school is unique, but most other schools are not. I am glad that your school offers a lot of classes. I don't see how offering all those classes impacts the academic standards. Having a Hedge Fund Analyst in the same room with you doesn't have anything to do with it.
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DanielMa wrote:Columbia has no curve.
Ok, enough is enough. Columbia does have a curve, you just have to trust me on this Top 20% gets H, 65% gets HP, 15% gets P/LP
The combination of your ignorance and confidence drives me crazy
So yeah, I do know more than you, at least in this area.
Yeah, indeed
Having a Hedge Fund Analyst in the same room with you doesn't have anything to do with it.
It has everything to d owith this. When people have to prepare one investment memo per week just for this one class - they have to work their tail off, and you will have to trust me on this too
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DanielMa wrote: Curve in МBA? I don't know of any top MBA program that has a real curve.
Wharton has a curve. Top 10% get DS (distinguished standing?), next 15% get HP (high pass) and the remainder get P (pass).
I am pretty certain Chicago has (had?) a curve as well.
In my opinion business school is fairly hard if you actually study. OTOH, you don't have to study, you can just more or less float through and emerge with the same diploma and connections at the other end. Plenty of people don't study and are still successful - they spend more time partying or looking for summer internship or ft jobs.
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Toto wrote:DanielMa wrote: Curve in МBA? I don't know of any top MBA program that has a real curve.
Wharton has a curve. Top 10% get DS (distinguished standing?), next 15% get HP (high pass) and the remainder get P (pass).
I am pretty certain Chicago has (had?) a curve as well.
In my opinion business school is fairly hard if you actually study. OTOH, you don't have to study, you can just more or less float through and emerge with the same diploma and connections at the other end. Plenty of people don't study and are still successful - they spend more time partying or looking for summer internship or ft jobs.
В University of Chicago тоже curve. Не более 20% могут получить A, обычно где-то 10%. И это, несмотря на то, что оценки не анонсируются, поскольку я помогал интегрироваться 2-м японцам - я знаю точно, что D ставят. По крайней мере первые 4 предемета эти бойцы сдали именно на столько.
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Toto wrote: Plenty of people don't study and are still successful - they spend more time partying or looking for summer internship or ft jobs.
That's true. In BSchool you get all kinds of people. Some are sponsored by their employers and are going back to their old jobs - they enjoy their two-years vacation. Some are on some kind of fellowship (like "new black leaders" or whatever ) - they are pretty laid back too. Some are going to do non-profit or social enterprise. These peace corp volunteers don't have to work hard. There's also a fair share of rich kids who just have it all already. And then you get those poor folks with no prior business experience, no trust-fund, no secured job-offer and no sponsorship. Guess how much time they have to party
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AlienCreature wrote:And then you get those poor folks with no prior business experience, no trust-fund, no secured job-offer and no sponsorship. Guess how much time they have to party
А еще есть гении то рождения, которые party all night и закончили с 21-ой отметкой A, причем так, что даже декан офигел, потому что в нашем классе таких было аж 2 и все знали, что они даже не готовятся к экзаменам.