A team of doctors from the Mayo Clinic declared Friday that there appears to be no physical reason why Sen. John McCain, the 71-year-old presumed Republican presidential candidate, could not carry out the duties of the office.
Конечно, куда мне спорить с Майо клиникой. Но вот почитайте, даже журналисты, не то что врачи, стараются оценить как сможет править Маккейн с его кучей болячек:
http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/05/23/mc ... h.records/
The doctors described a number of health issues faced by McCain, many of them typical for a man of his age but at least one of them potentially serious.
McCain has had four malignant melanomas removed. Three of them -- on his left shoulder, left arm and left nasal wall -- were limited to the top skin layer and were not invasive. They were removed in 1993, 2000 and 2002, and all were declared Stage 0, of little long-term concern.
But a fourth melanoma proved to be invasive and was removed from his left lower temple in 2000, Eckstein said.
Hinni said that, in order to leave a 2 cm margin that would minimize the risk of leaving some of the cancer intact, he had to remove a patch of skin roughly 6 cm in diameter, as well as an underlying carotid salivary gland from McCain's face.
Dissection of dozens of lymph nodes showed no evidence that the cancer had spread, he said.
McCain has also been treated for other less serious skin cancers, but Eckstein did not specify how many.
McCain has had a number of more routine interactions with his doctors, not unusual for a man of his age. He has had four small kidney stones in his right kidney and a number of small benign cysts in both kidneys, but his kidney function is normal, Eckstein said.
http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/cam ... l?PageNr=2
In 1999, during his first run for president, McCain released 1,500 pages of medical and psychiatric records that detailed his POW experiences and found him in good physical and mental health. But he now has a visible scar and puffiness on the left side of his face, evidence of surgery in 2000 to remove what doctors classified as a Stage IIA melanoma. Stage IV is the most serious. During the five-hour procedure, surgeons as a precaution removed lymph nodes near the cancer, and part of his saliva-producing parotid gland. It was McCain's fourth bout with skin cancer or lesions—the others, dating back to 1993, were successfully removed from his left shoulder, arm, and nose.
Meenhard Herlyn, a researcher at the Wistar Institute at the University of Pennsylvania and member of the Melanoma Research Foundation's scientific advisory committee, says that melanoma "continues to be a bad cancer—diagnosed in 60,000 new cases each year." The biggest factor in successful treatment is early diagnosis, before the cancer penetrates the deeper part of the skin where it could hit a lymph or blood vessel. The cancer mass McCain had removed in 2000 was 2 centimeters in diameter and 2.2 millimeters deep. "That's relatively thick," says Herlyn. In estimating risk, he says, any primary tumor in the skin thicker than 1 millimeter is considered at an increased risk for "having dissociated," or moved to other parts of the body. McCain's doctors reported that his cancer hadn't penetrated his lymph system. Though McCain is at greater risk for recurrence because of his age, gender, and multiple bouts with melanoma, he has been cancer free since 2002. There currently is no cure for melanoma once it spreads.
Не нашла никакой литературы кроме нескольких статей по multiple melanoma. Как могут доктора судить, что отделенные временем многочисленные появления рака кожи (меланомы) -это одна единственная mltiple melanoma, а не метастазы? Кто знает? Я читала наоборот, что их нельзя исключать. ведь не зря ему вырезали более десятка лимфоузлов и паротидную железу.
То, что написано здесь: лимфатические узлы чисты, НО нельзя это сделать на 100%. Особенно при меланоме.
Еще странно то, что никто даже не делает прогноз по его состоянию, ведь даже если взять что это не метастазы, а multiple melanoma, stage 2a from 2000, то его вероятность продолжительности жизни более 5 лет от 2000 года составляла чуть больши 70%. Уже прошло 8 лет. Конечно, хорошо, что он жив и так держится, но ведь меланома - непредсказуемая вещь, и такими вещами, как президенство, тоже не шутят: метастазы начнут расти так быстро, что их ничем не остановишь. А метастазы в мозг часто дают обширное кровоизлияние. Он может быть cancer free в течении нескольких лет, но тем не менее иметь меланому, теплящуюся внутри себя. Такая это болезнь - она не знает пощады и коварна.
Огромное подозрение вызывает углубленное психиатричесое обследование. Кроме того, я не верю, что можно выбраться из плена, пройдя пытки, переломы костей, адскую боль, и остаться человеком со 100% здоровой психикой. Он же всех вымышленных врагов поубивать захочет.