Obama Signed New Federal Law Protecting Renters after Foreclosure
Вот несколько случаев "no-notice eviction" имевших место в Неваде и Флориде:
http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. ... ights.html
The forced "no notice" evictions in the Lost Vegas video multiple instances of "no notice evictions" as many as 13 a day, that give renters as little as 20 minutes to leave with nowhere to go and no place to put their belongings, even if they are current on their rent.
A friend of mine experienced a "no notice" eviction in Ft Lauderdale December of 07. Her rent payments had been on time. The State police showed up to start mass evictions. Those tenants that didn't know, were forced to leave with what they could carry on their backs and nothing else. They were not allowed to go back for anything that was left. So they not only lost the roof over their head, they lost most of everything they owned.