Я скептически отношусь к народным целителям. Хиропракторов, остеопатов и мануальных терапевтов отношу к категории лекарей не смотря на то, что нынче они учатся в университетах.
Один австралийский кардиолог крайне отрицательно относится к практике хирпракторов. Говорит, с проблемами шеи к хиропрактикам не обращаться. Вообще дорогу к хирпрактикам лучше забыть. Так и говорит.
В больницу к ней привозят больных после того, как те обращались за помощью к хиропракторам, а докторам в больнице приходится исправлять рукоделие хиропрактиков. В шеи жизненно важные артерии, а те мнут шею не поставив диагноз.
Вот пишет:
Мужичек, вернее мужик по-нашему ,45 лет ростом 190. Решил полечить шею у хиропрактиков. Лечение было интенсивным 3 раза в неделю последних 6 месяцев.
И пару недель тому назад как-то сильно затылок заболел у мужичка, и глазам стало больно смотреть на белый свет.
Засунули его в сканер, а там инсульт в голове из-за тромбоза одного из сосудов, как следствие повреждения сосудов шеи вследствие этого 6 месячного ХИРовского лечения. В итоге мужичек потенциально побывал одной ногой на том свете, но спасли мужичка. Дай бог ему крепкого здоровья.
В другом рассказе описывала как хиропракторы повредили сонную артерию пациенту.
А вот американский пример.
Two years ago, a 47-year-old man consulted a chiropractor for severe leg pain of three days' duration. The chiropractor did not remove the patient's trousers, shoes, or socks. Instead, he examined only his back, diagnosed "lumbalgia," and manipulated the man's spine. Three days later, when the patient's pain persisted, he consulted a medical doctor who realized that the problem was a blocked artery that had been cutting down the circulation of blood to the leg. Had the problem been diagnosed earlier, surgery could have removed the block. By this time, however, amputation of the leg was necessary.
About the Author
Peter J. Modde, D.C., practiced chiropractic near Seattle, Washington, for about 20 years. A 1964 graduate of Palmer College, he became president of his county chiropractic society and chairman of his state society's public relations committee. Somewhere along the line, however, he concluded that chiropractic theory was a delusional system and that chiropractors were not adequately trained in diagnosis. He began limiting his practice to physical therapy of patients that had been evaluated by medical doctors. He also persuaded medical doctors in Seattle to offer a special 300-hour course in diagnosis. When his fellow chiropractors rejected this idea, he became thoroughly disillusioned, began publicizing his views, and offered expert testimony in malpractice cases. Prior to that time, suing a chiropractor was very difficult because it was almost impossible to find a chiropractor willing to testify against a colleague. Modde not only stepped on chiropractic toes by denouncing subluxation theory as a delusion, he also accused his colleagues of incompetence and threatened their financial well-being. For this, he was expelled from his state and national associations, his malpractice insurance was canceled, and an unsuccessful attempt was made to revoke his license. He continued his reformist activities for about ten years but finally switched careers into real estate. His book, Chiropractic Malpractice, describes his experiences with more than a hundred cases. This article appears to be the first one by a chiropractor published by a mainstream medical journal. Although the quality of chiropractic care has improved considerably since this article was published, chiropractic philosophy remains a millstone around the profession's neck.
Вывод такой: с проблемами шеи сначала поход до семейного врача, а потом до физиотерапевта. Можно сразу к физиотерапевту, но лучше предварительно у врача провериться. IMO.