Самое интересное, что это было сделано для защиты свободы слова. Дескать, правительство, не должно препятствовать свободе слова кандидата основываясь на его связях с той или иной корпорацией.
Ну, что же, как говорится "government of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations" в полный рост! Единственное, чего не хватает, так это закона, согласно которого все конгрессмены, сенаторы, президент и вице-президент обязаны носить форму на которой должны присутствовать логотипы всех спонсоров. Как в NASCAR например. И чем больше спонсор заплатил - тем больше логотип. Тогда сразу станет все ясно: этот кандидат от нефтянки, а тот от Goldman Sachs, а этот от Boeing, ну и т.д.“The government may not suppress political speech on the basis of the speaker’s corporate identity,” said Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who wrote the majority opinion.
Вот комментарии простых американцев:
Sorry Abraham Lincoln, government of the people, by the people and for the people has perished from the earth. This is the final nail in the coffin.
Not to mention the multinational corporations weighing in. We could actually have foreigners determining our elected officials. Ronald Reagan's dream of an oligarchy is finally in place. Good-bye America. It was great while it lasted.
Wow what an abomination!! The Court urinated in the Country's face on this one. The Supreme Court just refused to help the people and the legislative branch address the biggest political problem we face in modern times....too many lobbyists....too many special interest groups....and too much pay for policy. Everyone, conservatives and liberals alike realize this as a major problem.
Even Congress knows its own are corrupt and they tried to resolve their own problems...and the court blocs.
This was clearly a political decision instead of a Constitutional decision. Normally they don’t care about an individual's rights but corporations seem to get it all. The Court only seems to rise with courage for corporate rights instead of the People. What a disgrace.
First of all free speech and vote buying are not the same thing and should not be equated. It’s ironic how conservative judges think free speech does not extend to pornography, but yet they extend it to political cor
In a perverted interpretation of "free" speech, the Supreme Court has just sold our government to big corporations.
No member of Congress or any elected official will now dare push for or enact any law that might be distasteful to the big corporations knowing that doing so will result those corporations spending unlimited amounts of their treasure to defeat that person in the next election.
Legislation to reign in the big financial institutions for their greed and reckless excesses that brought us the biggest economic disaster since the great depression and shook down the tax payers? Forget it. Legislation to stop polluters and emitters of greenhouse gasses? Forget it. Legislation requiring more fuel efficiency? Forget it.
As if the big rich special interests didn't already have too much influence over our elected officials, the Supreme Court has for all practical purposes now given them complete control. This country will soon be a democracy in name only.