Diller wrote:
Многолетнее практически нескрываемое "преступление" за которое наказывают 1% совершивших ИМХО - юридический нонсенс.
Надеюсь, Мексиканский президент расскажет Обаме про свои законы.
Нелегальный переход Мексиканской границы - 2 года тюрьмы, повторное нарушение - 10 лет.
За отсутствие документов у иностранца - сразу в кутузку, там разберутся.
Immigration officials must "ensure" that "immigrants will be useful elements for the country and that they have the necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents.
Mexican authorities must keep track of every single person in the country:
A National Population Registry keeps track of "every single individual who comprises the population of the country," and verifies each individual's identity.
A national Catalog of Foreigners tracks foreign tourists and immigrants and assigns each individual with a unique tracking number.
Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be Imprisoned. Foreigners with fake immigration papers may be fined or imprisoned.
Foreigners who are deported from Mexico and attempt to re-enter the country without authorization can be imprisoned for up to 10 years.
Foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sentenced to up to six years in prison . Foreigners who misrepresent the terms of their visa while in Mexico -- such as working with out a permit -- can also be imprisoned.
"A penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of three hundred to five thousand pesos will be imposed on the foreigner who enters the country illegally."
Mexicans who help illegal aliens enter the country are themselves considered criminals .Under the law, A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison.