Сроки DV-Lottery
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Подскажите, может ли повлиять факт участия в green card на выдачу визы в US?
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Нет и да. Смотря какая виза, и какая ситуация со всем остальными доказательствами о связи с Родиной иYolady wrote:Подскажите, может ли повлиять факт участия в green card на выдачу визы в US?
намерением вернуться.
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Факт участия в лотерее никак не влияет. Смотрите в соседней теме:
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Вопрос. Если в загранпаспортах детей написание фамилии отличается от написания той же фамилии в загранпаспортах родителей, то как их лучше вписать в заявку на DV? По написанию как у родителей, или в собственных паспортах?
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Сегодня сдал документы на детские проездные документы (я в Украние) попросил чтоб не напутали с фамилиями, - заставили сделать копию паспорта чтоб приколоть ко всем документам и сделали пометку на то что бы фамилию написали такую как в моем паспорте.zloybubu wrote:Вопрос. Если в загранпаспортах детей написание фамилии отличается от написания той же фамилии в загранпаспортах родителей, то как их лучше вписать в заявку на DV? По написанию как у родителей, или в собственных паспортах?
Так что если вам не к спеху паспорта детей лучше их наверное поменять, а то мало ли. У нас это занимает месяц и 22 грн. 13 коп. Мне еще в паспортном посоветовали на всякий случай детей вписать себе в паспорт, на случай если все таки перепутают с фамилиями то будет доказательство что это все таки наши дети.
Я кстати указывал в заявке на ДВ фамилии как в моем старом паспорте, а когда получил новый то обнаружил что букву "у" на "і" поменяли.
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Тут еще такая штука, что в России если делать паспорт нового образца (биометрический), то детей туда вписать нельзя. Он для этого не предназначен. Так или иначе, сейчас лишь вопрос как сделать лучше для заявки. Паспорт поменять детям, конечно можно, чтобы фамилии были одинаковыми, если выигрыш будет.Alex S wrote:Мне еще в паспортном посоветовали на всякий случай детей вписать себе в паспорт, на случай если все таки перепутают с фамилиями то будет доказательство что это все таки наши дети.
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Тогда пишите как у вас (родителей) в паспортах записаноzloybubu wrote:Тут еще такая штука, что в России если делать паспорт нового образца (биометрический), то детей туда вписать нельзя. Он для этого не предназначен. Так или иначе, сейчас лишь вопрос как сделать лучше для заявки. Паспорт поменять детям, конечно можно, чтобы фамилии были одинаковыми, если выигрыш будет.Alex S wrote:Мне еще в паспортном посоветовали на всякий случай детей вписать себе в паспорт, на случай если все таки перепутают с фамилиями то будет доказательство что это все таки наши дети.
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Thnx.Alex S wrote:Тогда пишите как у вас (родителей) в паспортах записано
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Обясните мне плиз, если я заполную анкеты то мне еше нужно все то же самое и про свою жену указыват, так а она тоже может свою анкету отдельно заполнит и указат все про меня там как о супруге или на мужа и жену толко 1 анкету надо заполнят или 2(на каждого по 1)?
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Можно на каждого.
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
А как же ж без пакетов? Где ж брать?ive_is_here wrote:О! В DV-2012 все уведомления о выигрыше и статусе будут через сайт - никаких "первых пакетов", "вторых пакетов". И с 1 мая!
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Что там брать? Инструкции и бланки есть на сайте госдепа. Все, что нужно знать - номер кейса, который, видимо, будут показывать при проверке результатов в случае выигрыша. Зачем при этом связываться с ненадежной почтой?
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Ожидаем интервью в начале Мая.
кто прошел процесс DV - подскажите плиз:
1) нужно перевести пару бумажек - справку из российской мил/пол-иции + справку о службе в армии.
На офф. сайте (http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants ... _3741.html) сказано:
Note: All documents not written in English or in the official language of the country in which the interview takes place MUST be accompanied by a translation in English. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and notarized.
Можно ли самому сказаться competent translator-ом?
И заверить собственный перевод у нотариуса. Кто-нибудь так делал?
А то там где живем (канадский городок) нет под рукой нужного переводчика.
2) кажется наклевывается работа в Штатах по TN1 , причем чуть раньше нежели дата интервью.
Не будет ли проблемой если получу TN1 до интервью на ГК? По логике вещей вроде как не должно, но кто ж их бюрократов знает.
3) среди требуемых документов:
Evidence of financial support (e.g. Affidavit of Support, a notarized offer of employment, or evidence of assets)
Если будет offer of employment - кто его должен нотаризировать? Я или работодатель?
Если же оффер не случится до даты интервью - что тут показывать? Оценку дома за минусом остатка ссуды?
Банковские бумаги?
Сходил вот сюда http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants ... _3730.html и посмотрел что такое Affidavit of Support:
If you have received notification from the NVC to complete an Affidavit of Support for a family-member or an employee to become a legal immigrant to the US, please refer to the Affidavit of Support Instructions.
If you have not been requested by the NVC to complete an Affidavit of Support it may be because:
You have not paid the Affidavit of Support processing fee, or
Your petition is not ready to begin processing at the NVC.
Не понял. Я не заплатил Affidavit of Support processing fee - дык ведь никто и не просил заплатить.
Моя "petition is not ready" - так ведь интервью то уже назначено.
Я в прострации, друзья, подскажите, пожалуйста, что делать по этому пункту.
Ожидаем интервью в начале Мая.
кто прошел процесс DV - подскажите плиз:
1) нужно перевести пару бумажек - справку из российской мил/пол-иции + справку о службе в армии.
На офф. сайте (http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants ... _3741.html) сказано:
Note: All documents not written in English or in the official language of the country in which the interview takes place MUST be accompanied by a translation in English. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and notarized.
Можно ли самому сказаться competent translator-ом?
И заверить собственный перевод у нотариуса. Кто-нибудь так делал?
А то там где живем (канадский городок) нет под рукой нужного переводчика.
2) кажется наклевывается работа в Штатах по TN1 , причем чуть раньше нежели дата интервью.
Не будет ли проблемой если получу TN1 до интервью на ГК? По логике вещей вроде как не должно, но кто ж их бюрократов знает.
3) среди требуемых документов:
Evidence of financial support (e.g. Affidavit of Support, a notarized offer of employment, or evidence of assets)
Если будет offer of employment - кто его должен нотаризировать? Я или работодатель?
Если же оффер не случится до даты интервью - что тут показывать? Оценку дома за минусом остатка ссуды?
Банковские бумаги?
Сходил вот сюда http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants ... _3730.html и посмотрел что такое Affidavit of Support:
If you have received notification from the NVC to complete an Affidavit of Support for a family-member or an employee to become a legal immigrant to the US, please refer to the Affidavit of Support Instructions.
If you have not been requested by the NVC to complete an Affidavit of Support it may be because:
You have not paid the Affidavit of Support processing fee, or
Your petition is not ready to begin processing at the NVC.
Не понял. Я не заплатил Affidavit of Support processing fee - дык ведь никто и не просил заплатить.
Моя "petition is not ready" - так ведь интервью то уже назначено.
Я в прострации, друзья, подскажите, пожалуйста, что делать по этому пункту.
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Please! anybody?
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
У нас интервью в июне, так что информация из прочитанного на форумах плюс собственная трактовка/(не)понимание официальных правил.
Думаю, можно сослаться на http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/visa_4760.html, там нотариального заверения не требуется.vinnitu wrote: 1) нужно перевести пару бумажек - справку из российской мил/пол-иции + справку о службе в армии.
На офф. сайте (http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants ... _3741.html) сказано:
Note: All documents not written in English or in the official language of the country in which the interview takes place MUST be accompanied by a translation in English. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and notarized.
Можно ли самому сказаться competent translator-ом?
И заверить собственный перевод у нотариуса. Кто-нибудь так делал?
А то там где живем (канадский городок) нет под рукой нужного переводчика.
По идее эти дела никак не связаны. После получения ГК TN1, видимо, должна быть аннулированаvinnitu wrote: 2) кажется наклевывается работа в Штатах по TN1 , причем чуть раньше нежели дата интервью.
Не будет ли проблемой если получу TN1 до интервью на ГК? По логике вещей вроде как не должно, но кто ж их бюрократов знает.
Думаю, работодатель.vinnitu wrote: 3) среди требуемых документов:
Evidence of financial support (e.g. Affidavit of Support, a notarized offer of employment, or evidence of assets)
Если будет offer of employment - кто его должен нотаризировать? Я или работодатель?
Любые доказательства наличия у Вас достаточного количества денег на первые полгода - выписки с банковских счетов, документы на недвижимость и т.д.vinnitu wrote:Если же оффер не случится до даты интервью - что тут показывать? Оценку дома за минусом остатка ссуды?
Банковские бумаги?
Это к Вам не относится. В данном случае подразумевается гражданин или обладатель ГК, подавший петицию на воссоединение семьи.vinnitu wrote:Сходил вот сюда http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants ... _3730.html и посмотрел что такое Affidavit of Support:
If you have received notification from the NVC to complete an Affidavit of Support for a family-member or an employee to become a legal immigrant to the US, please refer to the Affidavit of Support Instructions.
If you have not been requested by the NVC to complete an Affidavit of Support it may be because:
You have not paid the Affidavit of Support processing fee, or
Your petition is not ready to begin processing at the NVC.
Не понял. Я не заплатил Affidavit of Support processing fee - дык ведь никто и не просил заплатить.
Моя "petition is not ready" - так ведь интервью то уже назначено.
Я в прострации, друзья, подскажите, пожалуйста, что делать по этому пункту.
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- Joined: 12 Jan 2010 07:38
Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
На всякий случай мы послали письмо с теми же вопросами в монреальское косульство (где назначено интервью). На удивление ответ пришел на следующий день.
Вот вопросы (может кому пригодится):
Case number: 2011EU00027xxx
PA Name: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Dear US Consulate Immigration Officer,
Our interview is scheduled for May Xth, and we have few questions, please:
1) Instruction says:
"All documents not written in English or in the official language of the country in which the interview takes place MUST be accompanied by a translation in English. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and notarized."
I can't find a professional translator for couple of my documents, but my spouse is highly fluent in both original language and English. May he translate the documents by himself?
2) For evidence of financial support - may I use the current (official city estimation) price of our house and the document regarding the remaining mortgage?
3) I did not receive any request of paying the Affidavit of Support processing fee - does it mean I don't need the Affidavit of Support?
4) The fees I should pay for the interview processing - may I pay them with credit card or sufficient amount of cash is required? If cash - should it be $US or $CAD?
Thank you,
Xxxxx Xxxxx
Ответ из консульства:
1. No
2. Bring in as much proof of assets as possible and you may require an I 134 from a sponsor in the US.
3. There are no fees for the I 134.
4. US cash is best $ 819 per applicant.
На всякий случай мы послали письмо с теми же вопросами в монреальское косульство (где назначено интервью). На удивление ответ пришел на следующий день.
Вот вопросы (может кому пригодится):
Case number: 2011EU00027xxx
PA Name: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Dear US Consulate Immigration Officer,
Our interview is scheduled for May Xth, and we have few questions, please:
1) Instruction says:
"All documents not written in English or in the official language of the country in which the interview takes place MUST be accompanied by a translation in English. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and notarized."
I can't find a professional translator for couple of my documents, but my spouse is highly fluent in both original language and English. May he translate the documents by himself?
2) For evidence of financial support - may I use the current (official city estimation) price of our house and the document regarding the remaining mortgage?
3) I did not receive any request of paying the Affidavit of Support processing fee - does it mean I don't need the Affidavit of Support?
4) The fees I should pay for the interview processing - may I pay them with credit card or sufficient amount of cash is required? If cash - should it be $US or $CAD?
Thank you,
Xxxxx Xxxxx
Ответ из консульства:
1. No
2. Bring in as much proof of assets as possible and you may require an I 134 from a sponsor in the US.
3. There are no fees for the I 134.
4. US cash is best $ 819 per applicant.
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- Joined: 08 Apr 2011 11:54
in koi mac utf
U.S. Department of State sent this message to хххх хххх (МОЕ ИМЯ)
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from U.S. Department of State.
Congratulations, you've won !
Dear хххххххх хххххх ,
Congratulations ! You are among those randomly selected and registered for further consideration in the diversity immigrant program. Selection guarantees that
you will receive a United States Permanent Resident Card(also known as Green Card or Diversity Visa) only if you follow the instructions for further processing.
Acceptance Date: Friday 8th of April 2011 06:12:14 AM
Winner Name: хххххххх хххххххх(ЗДЕСЬ МОЕ ИМЯ)
Country of Birth: Kazakhstan
Phone Number: 7-701-хххх
Is the Diversity Visa FREE ?
No. There is a big confusion. Only the participation in the Diversity Visa Lottery was free but the winners must pay the visa processing fees.
The fee is used to process your visa related documents and verify your identity.
Type of Residence Card Status Amount (per person)
United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee $880
Processing fees Included
Total $880
Please read and follow all the instructions very carefully. With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a US permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.
Although you will have all the rights that a U.S. citizen has in the United States, without a relative or friend in the United States you may find the relocation difficult and expensive due the lack of experience in the American society. Therefore the U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you along with each visa Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling(Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job(in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through EducationUSA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or Univeristy so you can continue your educational study. More details can be found at http://educationusa.state.gov/ .)
We remind you that only the visa processing fee ($880) is mandatory and the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment.
Accompanying family members(wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, children, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, children, cousin) must pay $880. There is no discount for children.
Visa Payment processing instructions
The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom.
Western Union is a leading provider of International person-to-person money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety.
You can send the payment in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency.
Click on the following link to find the nearest Western Union agency and send the fees payment :
Find Western Union Agency
If you are unable to find a Western Union agency near your location, you may ask a relative or friend to pay the fee on your behalf.
After you find a Western Union agency you need to go with cash money, an identity card(e.g passport or national identity card) and send the payment to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:
Name : Riki Eyres
Address: 24 Grosvenor Square
London, W1A 2LQ
United Kingdom
The payment must be sent to the above U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Government decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country.
After you send the payment follow the next steps :
a) Email copy/scan of the Western Union receipt at dv.us.gov@usa.com
b) Email at dv.us.gov@usa.com with the following details (you can find them on the money transfer receipt):
1) Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN):
2) Exact sender's name on file with Western Union:
3) Exact sender's address on file with Western Union:
4) Exact receiver's name on file with Western Union:
5) Amount sent:
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment was received.
Within 72 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with your Case Number/Confirmation Number and exact date and time(approx. 2 days) of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States. Under no circumstances your visa status won't be affected by the interview.
Important Notice!
The payment must be sent via Western Union no later than April 23, 2011. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays.
Under no circumstances can diversity visas be issued or adjustments approved after this date, nor can family members obtain diversity visas to follow-to-join the principal applicant in the U.S. after this date.
The visa processing fee(US$ 880) is mandatory for each person and the U.S. Government doesn't offer any discount, loan or exception.
You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time.
A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to your postal address upon receiving the payment fees.
Please be advised that even through you are a winner of Diversity Visa your Case Number/Confirmation Number will be provided only after you send the payment confirmation of the fees. Please do not contact us to ask for the Case Number/Confirmation Number.
If it would be necessary to contact the U.S. Department of state YOU MUST ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR NAME. The email address is dv.us.gov@usa.com
U.S. Department of State sent this message to хххх хххх (МОЕ ИМЯ)
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from U.S. Department of State.
Congratulations, you've won !
Dear хххххххх хххххх ,
Congratulations ! You are among those randomly selected and registered for further consideration in the diversity immigrant program. Selection guarantees that
you will receive a United States Permanent Resident Card(also known as Green Card or Diversity Visa) only if you follow the instructions for further processing.
Acceptance Date: Friday 8th of April 2011 06:12:14 AM
Winner Name: хххххххх хххххххх(ЗДЕСЬ МОЕ ИМЯ)
Country of Birth: Kazakhstan
Phone Number: 7-701-хххх
Is the Diversity Visa FREE ?
No. There is a big confusion. Only the participation in the Diversity Visa Lottery was free but the winners must pay the visa processing fees.
The fee is used to process your visa related documents and verify your identity.
Type of Residence Card Status Amount (per person)
United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee $880
Processing fees Included
Total $880
Please read and follow all the instructions very carefully. With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a US permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.
Although you will have all the rights that a U.S. citizen has in the United States, without a relative or friend in the United States you may find the relocation difficult and expensive due the lack of experience in the American society. Therefore the U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you along with each visa Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling(Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job(in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through EducationUSA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or Univeristy so you can continue your educational study. More details can be found at http://educationusa.state.gov/ .)
We remind you that only the visa processing fee ($880) is mandatory and the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment.
Accompanying family members(wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, children, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, children, cousin) must pay $880. There is no discount for children.
Visa Payment processing instructions
The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom.
Western Union is a leading provider of International person-to-person money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety.
You can send the payment in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency.
Click on the following link to find the nearest Western Union agency and send the fees payment :
Find Western Union Agency
If you are unable to find a Western Union agency near your location, you may ask a relative or friend to pay the fee on your behalf.
After you find a Western Union agency you need to go with cash money, an identity card(e.g passport or national identity card) and send the payment to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:
Name : Riki Eyres
Address: 24 Grosvenor Square
London, W1A 2LQ
United Kingdom
The payment must be sent to the above U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Government decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country.
After you send the payment follow the next steps :
a) Email copy/scan of the Western Union receipt at dv.us.gov@usa.com
b) Email at dv.us.gov@usa.com with the following details (you can find them on the money transfer receipt):
1) Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN):
2) Exact sender's name on file with Western Union:
3) Exact sender's address on file with Western Union:
4) Exact receiver's name on file with Western Union:
5) Amount sent:
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment was received.
Within 72 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with your Case Number/Confirmation Number and exact date and time(approx. 2 days) of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States. Under no circumstances your visa status won't be affected by the interview.
Important Notice!
The payment must be sent via Western Union no later than April 23, 2011. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays.
Under no circumstances can diversity visas be issued or adjustments approved after this date, nor can family members obtain diversity visas to follow-to-join the principal applicant in the U.S. after this date.
The visa processing fee(US$ 880) is mandatory for each person and the U.S. Government doesn't offer any discount, loan or exception.
You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time.
A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to your postal address upon receiving the payment fees.
Please be advised that even through you are a winner of Diversity Visa your Case Number/Confirmation Number will be provided only after you send the payment confirmation of the fees. Please do not contact us to ask for the Case Number/Confirmation Number.
If it would be necessary to contact the U.S. Department of state YOU MUST ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR NAME. The email address is dv.us.gov@usa.com
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
^ достаточно погуглить ключевые фразы, чтобы понять что это обычный развод на бабки.
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Развод-разводом, это очевидно, но вот появление правильных персональных данных в этом спаме заставляет задуматься. Особенно тех, кто играл не через посредников, а напрямую. Нет ли тут прямой утечки инфы из Кентукки...
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
всю эту персональную информацию и из других источников можно получить. по себе заметил, что, например, при получении кредитной карты, ваша информация попадает в третьи руки. учебные заведения тоже ее выдают как-то. ну и т. д. после этого она становится доступной через поиски, которые пытаются продавать background check.
может человек еще сам подавал на лотерею через посредников
может человек еще сам подавал на лотерею через посредников
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Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Вот это мне вчера пришло из Кентуков на официальном бланке. Только я пока ещё не въехал что бы это значило? Может кто разъяснит?
May 16, 2011
Dear Diversity Visa Lottery Entrant:
We regret to inform you that, because of a computer programming error, the results of the 2012 Diversity Lottery that were previously posted on the Department of State Entrant Status Check website have been voided. The results were not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants, as required by U.S. law. They were posted in error.
If you checked the Entrant Status Check website (http://www.dvlottery.state.gov) during the first week in May and found a notice that you had been selected for further processing or a notice that you had not been selected, that notice has been rescinded and is no longer valid.
A new selection process will be conducted based on the original entries for the 2012 program.
You submitted a qualified entry between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010. Your entry remains with us and will be included in the new selection lottery. Your confirmation number to check results on the Entrant Status Check website is still valid.
If you lost or destroyed your confirmation number, please click here:
https://ceac.state.gov/ccd/pls/public/e ... 6A462D885B
We expect the results of the new selection process to be available on or about July 15, 2011 at http://www.dvlottery.state.gov
We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this might have caused.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:
Q: Why was it necessary to invalidate the names that were selected?
U.S. law requires that Diversity Immigrant visas be made available through a strictly random process. A computer programming error resulted in a selection that was not truly random.
Since the computer programming error caused an outcome that was not random, the outcome did not meet the requirements of the law, and would have been unfair to many DV entrants.
Q: Is the 2012 Diversity Visa Program cancelled?
No. The 2012 program will continue. The computer programming error has been identified and corrected. The Department of State will run a new selection using all the qualified entries submitted for the 2012 program (received between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010).
Q: Do I have to submit a new application?
No. You may not submit a new application. We will use all qualified entries received during the October 5 to November 3, 2010 registration period.
Q: Will you open a new entry period?
No. New entries will not be accepted.
Q: I checked the Entry Status Check website after May 1 and it said I had been selected. Can I apply for a DV visa?
Unfortunately, results previously posted on this website are not valid because the selection process was not fair or random. We will take the entries of all individuals who sent in their registration during the original October 5 to November 3, 2010 time period and run a new lottery. We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this has caused.
Q: How can I check the results of the new selection?
The new results should be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011. The confirmation code you received when you registered is still valid for use on the website.
Q: Was the Department of State hacked? Was my personal information at risk?
We have no evidence that this problem was caused by any intentional act. No unauthorized party accessed data related to the DV program.
This appears to be solely the result of a computer programming error.
Q: You said the Department of State would not contact DV entrants by e-mail. Why are you sending this one now?
Because of the computer error, we decided it was important to notify every person who might have seen incorrect information on the website. An e-mail was the fastest way to reach DV entrants.
Winners in the new selection process will not be notified by e-mail. The results of the new selection process will only be available on the Entrant Status Check website (http://www.dvlottery.state.gov) on or about July 15, 2011.
Q: I thought I was selected, and I sent application forms to the Kentucky Consular Center. What should I do now?
Those forms will not be processed by the Kentucky Consular Center, because they were submitted in connection with the lottery result that was voided. We cannot reimburse you for any costs, such as postage, that you may have paid to send these forms to the Kentucky Consular Center. You should check the Entrant Status Check website on or about July 15 to see if you are selected in the repeated lottery selection process. If you are selected again, we ask that you simply follow the instructions given in the notification letter, including the step of mailing your completed application forms to the Kentucky Consular Center, once again.
Q: I thought I was selected. I am in the United State and contacted US Citizenship and Immigration Services about adjustment of status. What should I do now?
USCIS will not process any adjustment of status cases based on the voided DV selection process. If you already paid the $440 DV fee to the USBank lockbox based on your belief that you had been selected, you may request a refund from KCC through the following mailing address:
Kentucky Consular Center
3505 Highway 25-W North
Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769
May 16, 2011
Dear Diversity Visa Lottery Entrant:
We regret to inform you that, because of a computer programming error, the results of the 2012 Diversity Lottery that were previously posted on the Department of State Entrant Status Check website have been voided. The results were not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants, as required by U.S. law. They were posted in error.
If you checked the Entrant Status Check website (http://www.dvlottery.state.gov) during the first week in May and found a notice that you had been selected for further processing or a notice that you had not been selected, that notice has been rescinded and is no longer valid.
A new selection process will be conducted based on the original entries for the 2012 program.
You submitted a qualified entry between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010. Your entry remains with us and will be included in the new selection lottery. Your confirmation number to check results on the Entrant Status Check website is still valid.
If you lost or destroyed your confirmation number, please click here:
https://ceac.state.gov/ccd/pls/public/e ... 6A462D885B
We expect the results of the new selection process to be available on or about July 15, 2011 at http://www.dvlottery.state.gov
We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this might have caused.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:
Q: Why was it necessary to invalidate the names that were selected?
U.S. law requires that Diversity Immigrant visas be made available through a strictly random process. A computer programming error resulted in a selection that was not truly random.
Since the computer programming error caused an outcome that was not random, the outcome did not meet the requirements of the law, and would have been unfair to many DV entrants.
Q: Is the 2012 Diversity Visa Program cancelled?
No. The 2012 program will continue. The computer programming error has been identified and corrected. The Department of State will run a new selection using all the qualified entries submitted for the 2012 program (received between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010).
Q: Do I have to submit a new application?
No. You may not submit a new application. We will use all qualified entries received during the October 5 to November 3, 2010 registration period.
Q: Will you open a new entry period?
No. New entries will not be accepted.
Q: I checked the Entry Status Check website after May 1 and it said I had been selected. Can I apply for a DV visa?
Unfortunately, results previously posted on this website are not valid because the selection process was not fair or random. We will take the entries of all individuals who sent in their registration during the original October 5 to November 3, 2010 time period and run a new lottery. We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this has caused.
Q: How can I check the results of the new selection?
The new results should be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011. The confirmation code you received when you registered is still valid for use on the website.
Q: Was the Department of State hacked? Was my personal information at risk?
We have no evidence that this problem was caused by any intentional act. No unauthorized party accessed data related to the DV program.
This appears to be solely the result of a computer programming error.
Q: You said the Department of State would not contact DV entrants by e-mail. Why are you sending this one now?
Because of the computer error, we decided it was important to notify every person who might have seen incorrect information on the website. An e-mail was the fastest way to reach DV entrants.
Winners in the new selection process will not be notified by e-mail. The results of the new selection process will only be available on the Entrant Status Check website (http://www.dvlottery.state.gov) on or about July 15, 2011.
Q: I thought I was selected, and I sent application forms to the Kentucky Consular Center. What should I do now?
Those forms will not be processed by the Kentucky Consular Center, because they were submitted in connection with the lottery result that was voided. We cannot reimburse you for any costs, such as postage, that you may have paid to send these forms to the Kentucky Consular Center. You should check the Entrant Status Check website on or about July 15 to see if you are selected in the repeated lottery selection process. If you are selected again, we ask that you simply follow the instructions given in the notification letter, including the step of mailing your completed application forms to the Kentucky Consular Center, once again.
Q: I thought I was selected. I am in the United State and contacted US Citizenship and Immigration Services about adjustment of status. What should I do now?
USCIS will not process any adjustment of status cases based on the voided DV selection process. If you already paid the $440 DV fee to the USBank lockbox based on your belief that you had been selected, you may request a refund from KCC through the following mailing address:
Kentucky Consular Center
3505 Highway 25-W North
Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769
Мы все одинаково пьём из реки жизни.Главное не мешать друг другу. ОШО
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- Posts: 42
- Joined: 22 Jun 2011 13:24
Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Кажется вопрос не в том, как злоумышленники получили информацию о человеке, а в том, как они узнали, что он играет. Прямая утечка вполне реальна, это все же очень большие деньги.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: 09 Aug 2011 19:28
Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
С определённой долей вероятности можно считать _всех_ потенциальными заявителями DV Lottery. То есть рассылать письма всем, а потом уже "на воре шапка горит". Мне такой имейл тоже на днях пришёл - я уже 4 года не учавствую в лотерее.allexass wrote:Кажется вопрос не в том, как злоумышленники получили информацию о человеке, а в том, как они узнали, что он играет. Прямая утечка вполне реальна, это все же очень большие деньги.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: 02 Jan 2007 04:00
Re: Сроки DV-Lottery
Привет! У меня вопрос по заполнению DV 2013.
Заполняю родственникам, и наткнулась на изменения в правилах по детям.
С одной стороны, в п.14 написано,
14. NUMBER OF CHILDREN – Entries MUST include the name, date, and place of birth of your spouse and
all natural children.
С другой стороны, в FAQ написано,
You must list ALL your children who are unmarried and under 21 years of age at the
time of your initial E-DV entry, whether they are your natural children, your spouse’s children, or children
you have formally adopted in accordance with the laws of your country, unless such child is already a U.S.
citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident.
Так перечислять или нет? У родствеников дочь замужем 23 лет...
Заранее благодарю.
Заполняю родственникам, и наткнулась на изменения в правилах по детям.
С одной стороны, в п.14 написано,
14. NUMBER OF CHILDREN – Entries MUST include the name, date, and place of birth of your spouse and
all natural children.
С другой стороны, в FAQ написано,
You must list ALL your children who are unmarried and under 21 years of age at the
time of your initial E-DV entry, whether they are your natural children, your spouse’s children, or children
you have formally adopted in accordance with the laws of your country, unless such child is already a U.S.
citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident.
Так перечислять или нет? У родствеников дочь замужем 23 лет...
Заранее благодарю.