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Призывающая смягчить законодательство по отношению эмигрантов которые вынужденны уехать к себе на Родину Если я правильно понимаю сие письмо исключительно в поддержку и лоббировании хайскилс работничков из Индии
Впечатление, что письмо подписали клинические идиоты которые об индустрии ничего не знают. В письме справедливо указывается на нехватку десятков тысяч специалистов, но и квота ежегодная не маленькая 65К в год. То что ее выбирают индийские компании это понятно, но и прессуйте тех кто ввозит некондиционный товар то что индусы вынужденны возвращаться так это из-за того, что их завозят кучами и ГосДеп выдает квоты по ГК на представителей той или иной страны.Dear President Obama, Speaker Boehner, Senator Reid, Senator McConnell, and Representative Pelosi:
One of the biggest economic challenges facing our nation is the need for more qualified, highly-skilledprofessionals, domestic and foreign, who can create jobs and immediately contribute to and improve oureconomy. As leaders of technology companies from around the country, we want to thank you for yoursincere efforts in addressing high skilled immigration and we urge that you and your colleagues enactreform legislation this year.
As you know, the United States has a long history of welcoming talented, hard-working people to ourshores. Immigrant entrepreneurs have gone on to found thousands of companies with household nameslike eBay, Google, PayPal and Yahoo! to name just a few. These companies provide jobs, drive economicgrowth and generate tax revenue at all levels of government.
Yet because our current immigration system is outdated and inefficient, many high-skilled immigrantswho want to stay in America are forced to leave because they are unable to obtain permanent visas. Somedo not bother to come in the first place. This is often due to visa shortages, long waits for green cards,and lack of mobility. We believe that numerical levels and categories for high-skilled nonimmigrant andimmigrant visas should be responsive to market needs and, where appropriate, include mechanisms tofluctuate based on objective standards. In addition, spouses and children should not be counted againstthe cap of high-skilled immigrant visas. There should not be a marriage or family penalty.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are tens of thousands of unfilled jobs requiringhighly skilled individuals. Five high-tech companies alone IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle and Qualcomm have combined 10,000 openings in the United States. Each one of these jobs has thepotential to create many others, directly and indirectly. Bipartisan legislation currently introduced in theSenate, such as The Immigration Innovation Act of 2013, and bi-partisan legislation focused onaddressing the needs of entrepreneurs and start ups such as the Startup Visa Act and Startup Act 3.0, willencourage innovation here in the U.S. by allowing American companies and entrepreneurs to have accessto the talented workers they need while simultaneously investing in STEM education here in the U.S. Weknow what it will take to keep America in a position of global leadership. We know that when America is leading, our economic growth follows to the benefit of our nation’s workforce.
We call on you to address the need for more qualified, highly-skilled professionals, domestic and foreign,and to enact immigration reform this year. We look forward to working with you and your colleagues ina bipartisan way as we move forward in our common interest.
и тд
Если будет послабление в этой области и удастся продавить подобного рода акты, то можно смело сказать "ку-ку" большим з/п в ИТ. Собственно письмо и сама деятельность лоббистов из ТехНет об этом.
Вцелом мое мнение любая лоббиская деятельность это очень вредная вещь для экономики тем более в ИТ. ... anization) - детали по организации.