"Americans would be shocked to know that these H-1Bs are not going to Microsoft," Durbin said according to The Hill. "They're going to these firms, largely in India, who are finding workers, engineers, who will work at low wages in the US for three years and pay a fee to Infosys or these companies. I think that is an abuse of what we are trying to achieve here."
Да как так, есть их и в корпорациях, есть. Дурбин вдруг открыл, что ещё бывают консалтерские бадишопы. Прямо Эйнштейн какой-то!
P.S. Баллмер заявил, что скоро на пенсию, вот то тема.
... and even then it's rare that you'll be going there...