Сергей, это все потому что у вас проект слишком молод. Вам feedback важнее.Сергей Армянский wrote:Человека, который использует слово momentum я определяю для себя одной ногой в лагере булшитеров. Я б сказал что (opensource) project makes sense only if there is an idea behind it, which can only be refined and polished during exhausting and frustrating discussions on the mailing lists. Source code, test cases, samples, and documentation is a non-mandatory addition, which can be generated by a trained pavlovian dog or a chimp.Open source project momentum is based on source code, test cases, samples, and documentation. If you are contributing more to email discussion lists rather than the code repository, consider re-prioritizing your effort.
There are people that would never write a code for my project, but even a single line contribution in a discussion worth more than a whole project for me.
А в той же касандре или опенстак собаки павлова нужнее обсуждений.