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Re: Рак

Post by Сабина »

agro wrote:PAF, вы будете бороться и победите!
+ бесконечно много
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Re: Рак

Post by PAF »

He is my regular doctor. Very experienced. I did trusted him. The medicine that they gave night before cased a lot of trouble. All possible side effects has been taken place. They told me "It is very unusual". I told them "I am unusual. My case is very unusual. " my chance to get breast cancer was less than 3% . I got it. I reached 5 years mark, did my mamo(that was ok), was ready to hear that I am cancer free....and here I am again.
I could be a perfect tester for side effects. Specially after chemo.
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Re: Рак

Post by Нейтрина »

PAF, здоровья Вам и удачи!!!

Не пойму, почему без анестезии делали биопсию :( Может, испугались взаимодействия с лекарствами, на которые у Вас и так не очень хорошая реакция?

К сожалению, ничего, кроме искреннего сочувствия, не могу Вам предложить. Но советы насчет посещения доктора не одной, а с кем-то, очень разумны.

Еще раз - здоровья Вам!!!
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »


I'm so sorry :( I hate cancer!
If it's bone mets and you had hormone + BC, Zometa can help. In fact I know ppl who got NED (no evidence of disease) after only Zometa protocol. You'll be fine!

Why did you do the scan in the first place, did you have pain in your joints/bones?
Why did the Dr sent you for biopsy if they diagnosed it as arthritis??
Was it your first PET since BC treatment?

How are the lymph nodes and breast area?

Stay positive and don't panic. You did it once you'll do it again!
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Re: Рак

Post by PAF »

I have shoulder pain , they thought it is arthritis. The pain was really bad. I went to walk in clinic to get pain killer. Doctor send me to xray. Rengenologist immediately recognize cancer.
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »

Don't give up!
Did you do PET, is everything else clean?

How long were you on Tamoxifen? Hope you didn't quit it by yourself. I know ppl who stopped and got mets right away.

Either way, as long as it's not liver, it's gonna be fine! It has to be. They'll do rads and/or Zometa. They might add another pill to your daily "cocktail". That's what I hear.

Stay positive, don't panic. You can do it!
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Re: Рак

Post by PAF »

Second biopsy came back negative. So only 1 spot in bone is confirmed.
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »

Good news!!! Did they talk about the treatment plan?
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Re: Рак

Post by PAF »

Not yet. Still waiting for receptors results.
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »

It's possible that your body wasn't metabolizing Tamoxifen, hence bone met. Ask your onco re CYP2D6.
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Re: Рак

Post by Сабина »

PAF wrote:Second biopsy came back negative. So only 1 spot in bone is confirmed.
Ну вот и хорошие новости тоже не задержались :great: . Так потихоньку и выкарбакаетесь снова, главное думать о позитивном, создает хорошую защитную ауру
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Re: Рак

Post by PAF »

I am trying to think positive but sometimes it doesn't work.
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »

Any update?
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Re: Рак

Post by PAF »

Receptors came back the same as last time positive, positive, negative. I am gonna be on letrozole for now. Also I am gonna be on clinical studies of PD 0332991 drugs. No radiation for now, maybe later. To be on clinical trial gave chance to get more test and scans during treatment.
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »

Do 2nd opinion! Did they establish you're post menopausal? Bc if you're not letrozole should be accompanied by ovarian suppression! Ask for Hormone tests (FSH, etc). I'm surprised they're not doing rads on the tumor and no Zometa??! Which hospital are you at? Which state? I'd go to MD Andersen if I were you. Let me know if you need dr recommendations.
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »

PAF, I'm sure you know but phase 3 clinical trials are marginally safest vs phase 1, 2.
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Re: Рак

Post by PAF »

I was on tamoxifen for almost 5 years. They gonna start with letrozole and if it did not work they gonna switch me on something else. They use light drug first then heavy one. I am agreed with this strategy. The average time that kind drug work is from 6 month to 2 years, then it should be changed. The clinical trial drug is double that time.
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »

letrozole is prescribed to post menopausal women:

Are you post menopausal? ask your doctor!
If you don't have your period it doesn't necessarily mean you're post menopausal
Anyways, do what you think is best for you.

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Re: Рак

Post by Kometa »

PAF, миленькая, Вы такая сильная и стойкая, у меня просто нет слов, как я восхищаюсь Вами!
Держитесь, Вы сможете! Мне очень обидно и больно, что судьба второй раз решила испытывать Ваши силы, это несправедливо, но раз так суждено - надо бороться. Вы сможете, вот увидите! Я просто ни капли в этом не сомневаюсь. Сил Вам и поддержки от всех, кто Вас окружает! :love:
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Re: Рак

Post by PAF »

Thanks Kometa. My husband has been doing some reseach about healthy eating and more exercising for me. I was eating healthy food and this probably gave me such a "big window" between it came back. Usually if it comes back it is 2-3 years.
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Re: Рак

Post by sindbad »

Maybe it was not a healthy food, maybe it was his love. Hang in there, you have a terrific support system. Strength and patience to both of you!
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Re: Рак

Post by irigor »

Держитесь, PAF. У жены моего приятеля была эта гадость. Удалили, с тех пор лет двенадцать уже прошло. Все спокойно, тьфу-тьфу-тьфу.
"Вы" с маленькой буквы -это не от неуважения, просто привык так.
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »

Что нового? Займитесь медитацией, успокаивает. Мне очень помогло когда я лечилась. Ещё долгие прогулки помогают расслабить нервную системму.
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Re: Рак

Post by PAF »

I actually tried meditation today for the first time in my life.:) the most difficult part of it is sit. I cannot just sit. I cannot. But I've tried.
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Re: Рак

Post by ingo »

Ешё лучше лечь :)
Вот бесплатные ап которые очень помогают продержаться during meditation!

Insight Timer --- gong and meditation timer, very useful!
Relax melodies -- these are sounds of rain, forest, fireplace :) just love it!

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