Сегодня мне очень понравилась речь Bram Cohen (Bittorent), особенно в части гд еон рассуждал о том стоит ли работать в стартапах и почему. Она есть в записи ( разговор за жизнь и стартапы начинается на 40-й минуте)
Speakers include:
- Tom Chi (co-creator Google Glass)
- Grady Booch (creator the Unified Modeling Language)
- David Heinemeier Hansson (inventor of Ruby on Rails)
- Brian Fox (invented the GNU Bash shell)
- Rebecca Parsons (CTO, Thoughtworks)
- Hakon Wium Lie (inventor of CSS)
- Alex Gaynor (Director, Python Software Foundation, and core committer to Django)
- Sarah Allen (Presidential Innovation Fellow, led development for many Adobe products)
- Gilad Bracha (co-author of the Java Language Specification)
- Kent Beck (creator of Extreme Programming, created Test Driven Development, co-created Agile, author of 9 books)
- Ward Cunningham (inventor of the wiki, contributed to Extreme Programming, co-author of Design Patterns)
- Bram Cohen (inventor of Bittorrent)
- Hampton Catlin (creator of Sass, Haml, m.wikipedia.org, book author)
- Matei Zaharia (creator of Apache Spark)
- Melody Meckfessel (Google Director of Engineering)
- Jon Skeet (the top answerer on StackOverflow)
- Scott Hanselman (author of multiple books)
- Jeff Haynie (founder of Appcelerator)
- Ryan Bubinski (founder of Codecademy)
- Aaron Skonnard (founder of Pluralsight)
- Floyd Marinescu (founder of InfoQ)
- Steve Newcomb (founder of Famo.us)
- Orion Henry (founder of Heroku)
- Janet Wiener (Engineering at Facebook, big data expert)
- Scott Chacon (CIO, Github)
- Chad Fowler (CTO, Wunderlist, well-known programming educator and blogger)
- Salil Deshpande (open source investor titan)
- Hadi Partovi (founder of Code.org, was in charge of Internet Explorer, advisor to Dropbox and Facebook)
- Qi Lu (EVP, Microsoft)