Покритикуйте пожалуйста резюме
И сразу вопрос – может подскажете как годы работы правильно указать(ну.. или читай наврать ?
Ситуация такая что у меня за время работы иногда возникала по знакомым подработка, и пара фриланс-клиентов, на которых я понемножку без вреда для основной, калымил. Но калымил в итоге годами, так что можно сказать что я и там работал
Официально я на одной-то работе сидел(во второй половине страницы, в разделе “Experience” - первый и последний пункты).
А “фрилансы” вывелись во вполне себе самостоятельные проекты, которые можно и в резюме записать. Вот и не знаю как это по годам записать - у американских граждан не возникнет батхёрт или подозрение что я “лжец”, из-за того что у меня там интервалы работы друг на друга наслаиваются? да ещё и страны работы, пфф..)
Contact information: Gennady G.
e-mail: rockietm###gmail#com
skype: ##rockietm##
SharePoint Administrator: Planned, Deployed and Maintained SharePoint 2007/2010/2013 on-premise farms. Upgraded with detach/Migrated, was responsible for Backups and Crash recovery. Planned and Deployed SharePoint Application Services (like Search, BCS). Configured Authentication (FBA).
Skills: Windows Server (including Core editions): AD, PowerShell. MS SQL.
Virtualization: Hyper-V 2008/2012, Azure. Virtual machines Maintenance and Backup/Restore.
Working knowledge: Office 365. SharePoint Designer 2010/2013 design customizations (only admin-level branding), InfoPath.
SharePoint Developer: Extended SharePoint 2007/2010/2013 out-of-box features and Services with “server-side” Visual Studio solutions: WebParts, Event Receivers. Helped to save organization time and money fully utilizing SharePoint platform.
Skills: SharePoint “server-side” development: SharePoint Object Model, ASP.NET C#, XML/CAML, .NET Stack
Working knowledge: SharePoint “client-side” development: CSOM, Javascript and its libs (jQuery, SPServices).
Team code tools: TFS Online. StyleCop, reSP.
Education: Technical University of Moldova, Information Technologies, 2003-2007
Language skills: Russian (native),
English: spoken - pre-intermediate, written - intermediate, reading technical documentation - fluently
Blog: h***://rockietm.wordpress.com/
Site: h***://sharepoint-develop.com
Projects: h***://gennady-g.github.io/EventHandlerExplorer, h***://sppex.codeplex.com (contributor)
2008-2015 - SharePoint Developer in IT-Team, “### Technology”, Moldova.
Worked in team with two peoples, planned and deployed two separated SharePoint portals (intranet and extranet) for electronic electricity meters manufacturer. Developed custom web-service on .NET C# for selective synchronization between these portals.
Helped to introduce and improved “Bug tracking” system based on SharePoint and InfoPath forms, which was actively used by Software Development department and Quality Assurance department, and later contained about 5’000 reports and improvements.
Implemented “Device tracking” system for engineering department. Customized SharePoint forms in SharePoint Designer, added password field and custom C# code with password checks (Active Directory integration). Every “device” in system has its own scanned id, responsible owner and history.
Working with others, helped to implement “Service Requests” site for IT-Team, that allowed to support company users quickly. Used out-of-box features and SharePoint Designer workflows for instant notifications about requests and job steps for problem resolution.
Created and improved Archive of technical documentation. Used SharePoint Search (iFilters), third-party tools (like SharePoint Query Builder) and custom solutions to make work with large amount of documents fast and convenient. Collaborated with Archive manager (which later became Administrator for this web, or SharePoint Power user).
Designed web templates for external vendors on extranet portal (admin-level customizations like theme, favicon, SSL trust logo), and prepared instructions for site-collection administrator how to deploy it.
Was responsible for disaster recovery: maintained backups of SharePoint farm on different levels: selective webs using stsadm tool, content database on SQL layer using Maintenance Plans, and whole virtual machines (using scripts). Automated reports collection process with custom tool on .NET C#.
2011-2015 - SharePoint Consultant, Developer in F### ###, Public Opinion Research center, Russia
Consulted IT-Team with SharePoint farm maintenance. Migrated existing intranet system from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2010, and later to 2013 version. Helped to configure SharePoint 2013 Service Applications, helped to improve existing workflows and business processes.
Developed permission control event receivers and webparts and to automate work with Office documents (content type templates), and made Statistical Data Processing faster and more convenient.
2011-2013 - SharePoint Consultant, Developer in “Ama### ####”, engineering company specializing in non-destructive testing of materials, Russia
Helped to virtualize existing infrastructure in engineering company. Helped to bring Exchange and SharePoint portal as a new intranet environment. Architected and configured disaster recovery for SharePoint farm. Integrated business-processes based on SharePoint with external system (1C).
Automated shipment tracking system: developed SharePoint event-receiver in .NET C#, which scanned e-mailed billing statements (1C) and kept them in sync with bookkeeping information in SharePoint. This allowed to track orders, and keep sales/manufacture history based on orders and manufactured products.
2007- а в 2008 сменил отдел и в другом отделе по 2015 - хз как оформить?..C# Developer in Quality Assurance department, “### Technology”, Moldova
Developed tools for test process automation. Changed position to IT-Team Developer in Software Development Department