Ivan Ivanov
Specialization: Software Engineer
Contact: e-mail ***, location: Moscow, RU
Citizenship: Russia
Date and place of birth: **.**.****, ******
Skills and interests: Full stack web with focus on the frontend, information security, algorithms, data structures, code quality and design, distributed systems for remote desktop services, steganography, monitoring systems, human computer interaction.
Programming languages (approximately in order of preference):
JavaScript, Python, C\C++, PHP.
Other technologies and tools:
HTML, CSS, MySQL, Redis, Memcached, QT, Git, bash, LaTeX, Redmine, JIRA, IDA Pro.
****** (Moscow, RU)
Software Engineer, **.201* – Present
- VDS System: design and implementation of the frontend (desktop and mobile) and backend functionality;
- Browser Crypto Plugin: implementation of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer extensions and automatic testing system.
Institute of ****** (Moscow, RU)
Junior researcher, **.201* – Present, Part-time job
- Photo and text steganography tool: research, formal model, implementation of the prototype.
***** (Moscow, RU)
Software Engineer, **.201* – Present, Part-time job
- Monitoring terminal system: maintaining, implementation and serving distributed system for 250+ terminals.
***** (Moscow, RU)
Software Engineer, **.201* – **.201*
- Software restriction policy for RDS system: design and implementation;
- System administration tasks (Windows Server, Linux terminal stations);
- Mobile bank application: protocol security analysis, black-box analysis of iPhone, Android, J2EE versions;
***** (Moscow, RU)
Software Engineer, **.201* – **.201*
- Bank Audit Software: design, implementation
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
Major: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Specialization: Mathematical Methods and Information Security Software
Specialist (5 year degree), 09.200* — 06.201*
GPA: 4.7/5.0
- – Methods of m-adic analysis in problems of fingerprinting (C++), graduate paper (advisor: prof. ******), 201*-201*;
– M-adic methods in fingerprinting (C++), published paper (advisor: prof. ******), Institute of information security at MSU, Moscow, 201*
– Developing and analysis of steganography algorithms (C++, Matlab), research project, (advisor: ******), 201*
– Methods of p-adic analysis in problems of fingerprinting (Matlab), term paper (advisor: prof. ******), 201*-201*;
– Analysis of copyright protection in photographs (C++), research project, (advisor: ********) 201*;
– Pseudorandom Number Generation by p-adic numbers, term paper (advisor: prof. ********), 200*-201*;
- – Teaching assistant at CMC, MSU course “Computer practicum” for 3rd and 4th year students, 201*-201*;
- Conferee on “Mathematics and Security of Information Technology”, November 201*;
- Kaspersky Lab information security school, 201*;
- Summer School on Informatics, 200*.
- - Winner of personal university photo contest, 201*;
- Winner of team university photo contest, 200*;
- First place of the All-Russian School Informatics Competition, regional stage, 200*;
- First place of the republic school conference in Information Systems, developing section, project “Automatic testing system for computer science problems”, 200*;
- Second place of the All-Russian School Informatics Competition, regional stage, 200*;
- Second place of the All-Russian Mathematics Competition, regional stage, 200*;
- Second place of the All-Russian Physics Competition, regional stage, 200*;
- First prize of the republic school conference in Information Systems, web-developing section, project “JRPG Games”, 200*.
Какие есть вопросы:
1) Стоит ли указывать школьные заслуги (школу закончил примерно 10 лет назад)?
2) Статус выпуска из университета: специалист или магистр?
3) На первой работе официально был 3 месяца. Потом наш отдел выделили в отдельное ООО, в связи с чем всех туда перевели и сделали соответствующую запись в трудовой. Варианты: оставить как есть или присоединить эти 3 месяца к последующей работе?
4) Оставить ли part-time работу в резюме или это может вызвать неудобные вопросы? Если убирать, можно ли записать описанную деятельность в основную работу на тот момент времени, чтобы не пропадали проекты из резюме?
5) Оставить ли академический опыт (research and papers, преподавание, выступление на конференции)?
6) Надо ли добавить Summery? Вставить его вместо Skills and interests. Если да, то предполагаемый вариант:
7) Какой вариант описания навыков лучше: краткий, описанный выше, или более подробный:Summary
- Web developer with 3 years of industrial experience.
- Software developer and system administrator with 2+ years of industrial experience.
- Researcher with focus in applied mathematics.
- Teaching assistant for computer science students during one educational year.
8) Требуется ли более подробное описание деятельности на работе? Предыдущий вариант CV содержал данную информацию, однако объем вышел больше 2 страниц и получилось повторение используемых скиллов и техник (в описании проекта и в самом начале CV). Знакомые посоветовали выкинуть все подробное описание, оставив минимум.Programming languages: C \ C++ (Qt, STL, Boost, Windows API, OpenGL), Python, Windows Shell (basic), Bash (basic), Intel x86 assembly language (basic);
Web development:
o Front end: HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 with the following libraries and frameworks: jQuery, AngularJS, d3.js, Bootstrap, LESS, and others;
o Back end: PHP, Python;
Databases: MySQL, Redis (basic);
WebAPI applications: Twitter API, Facebook API, VK API, Yandex Maps API, OpenStreetMap API, Zabbix API;
User interface design, user interface implementation (Qt);
Collaborative development: issue tracking tools (Redmine, Bitrix, JIRA), version control systems (Git, Mercurial);
Software: TeX, Matlab, IDA Pro, Microsoft Visio.
9) Имеет ли смысл указывать курсы Coursera по алгоритмам, языкам программирования, криптографии, human-computer interaction, machine learning? Или они не котируются?
Заранее спасибо за помощь!