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Post by lolka »

Вот, хотела вас дорадовать, чёртов SciAm, придёться печатать, но надеюсь вам всё равно будет приятно. :)

(с) Last issue of SciAm

AntiGravity: This is only a test

3. Scientists proved that an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters will compose the complete works of Shakespeare.

False. But researchers at Plymouth University in England showed that six Sulawesi crested macaques with access to a computer for four weeks at a zoo will produce a tale told by an idiot. According to a May wire servoce report, the computer was placed in the monkey enclosure, where "the lead male got a stone a started bashing the hell out of it." (A palpable hit.) "Another thing they were interested in," a researcher said, "was defecating and urinating all over the keyboard." (It smells of mortality.) They also pressed the "s" key a great deak for ssssssssome reason. The clacking macaque project was paid for with a grant from England's Art Council, which will publish the monkey literary effort as {\em Notes towards the Complete Works of Shakespeare}. The U.S. National Endowment for the Arts is rumored to be coming out with a companion volume,"Thrilled We Didn't Funt It".

BTW, any person close to probability will tell you that an infinte number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewrites will produce - well, pretty much anything your heart desires. :mrgreen:

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