How to block downloads? (Kids and Internet)

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How to block downloads? (Kids and Internet)

Post by Lucky »

Hi everyone,

Have a situation and hope to hear advices.

Kids at our local club have a computer room.

The computers are trashed with games, viruses, porno pop-up, etc. And within 2 weeks I am going to clean everything and install the operating system again.

So I was wondering is there a way to block any downloads and installation from the Internet? So the machines would stay relatively clean.

Also, is it possible to block program installation under the user account so kids would have to ask a permission first to install something?

The machines have MS Windows 2000 professional installed.

Many Thanks,
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Re: How to block downloads? (Kids and Internet)

Post by Mikhail_L »

restricted user чтобы ничего не инсталлировали.
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Re: How to block downloads? (Kids and Internet)

Post by Lucky »

Mikhail_L wrote:restricted user чтобы ничего не инсталлировали.

And how this can be done?
I have XP professional at my home computer and I checked Control Panel -> Admin Tools -> Computer Management -> Users but did not find anything about this option.

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Re: How to block downloads? (Kids and Internet)

Post by Mikhail_L »

Lucky wrote:
Mikhail_L wrote:restricted user чтобы ничего не инсталлировали.

And how this can be done?
I have XP professional at my home computer and I checked Control Panel -> Admin Tools -> Computer Management -> Users but did not find anything about this option.


Не знаю как в WinXP Professional, но думаю также как в WinXP Home Edition,

Control Panel -> User accounts

Может так получиться что некоторые программы не будут работать для restricted user. Надо дать права администратора этому юзеру, запустить все эти программы, потом убрать права администратора у него. Очень часто помогает.

Кстати, если набрать в гугле "porn filter" или "anti porn software" то вылезет много много программ которые ставят фильтры в IE, запрещающие посещение порно сайтов.
Вручную тоже можно, наверное:
IE -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Security

PS кстати, в winXP довольно неплохой Help есть, рекомендую.
Start -> Help and Support
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Post by Lucky »

Thanks Michael.

My XP help does not work :( .

The user account panel says that users with "limited accounts" (I have two options: administrator and limited account) cannot always install programs. What does it mean "not always"? Are there types of programs that always can be installed regardless of the account type?

Thanks ahain for your help.
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Post by Mikhail_L »

Lucky wrote:Thanks Michael.

My XP help does not work :( .

The user account panel says that users with "limited accounts" (I have two options: administrator and limited account) cannot always install programs. What does it mean "not always"? Are there types of programs that always can be installed regardless of the account type?

Thanks ahain for your help.

Вы уж определитесь что хотите ставить, winXP или win2000.
Инсталлировать новые прораммы нельзя будет, но некоторые и инсталлировать не надо. Типа сама инсталляция будет просто распаковка из архива. Такие можно будет запустить. Делайте limited и не думайте особенно, большинство программ обломается.
Если win2000, то restricted user.

Ну и напоминаю на всякий случай - все security updates для windows, антивирусная программа должна стоять обязательно, и firewall обязательно. От некоторой пакости все равно не спасет, но вероятность занести заразу уменьшится на порядки.

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Post by Lucky »


I will be installing Win2000 and want to know what to do once the operating system is installed. So I am practicing on WinXP :D

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