Двойное гражданство

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Двойное гражданство

Post by LanaR »

Я постоянно проживаю в СЩА (но без оформления постоянного выезда в ОВИРЕ) и имею два гражданства, Российское и США. Скажите, если кто знает, признается ли двойное гражданство Российским законодательством? Хочу ехать в Россию и не знаю, по какому паспорту лучще ехать. Оформить ли визу в Россию как гражданке США или ехать по Российскому паспорту? Боюсь, что с Российским паспортом могут на обратном пути задержать, ведь постоянное проживание в США у меня не оформлено. Посоветуйте, пожалуйста. Заранее благодарю.
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Двойное гражданство

Post by Mickey »

WHat I learned from my visits to the Russian Consulate in San Francisco and from my talks to the friends who visited Russia with two passports:

1. YOu don't go to Russia with two passports unless you are looking for big time thrills.

2. Once you get American citizenship, you better visit the Russian consulate and get the "Israeli Visa" into your Russian passport (izrailjskaja viza) and officially renounce your Russian citizenship, unless you want to live dangerously with problems on both sides.

I might be wrong, but that's what I am going to do.

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Двойное гражданство

Post by abc123 »

Vsio kak raz naoborot. Eto pri poezdke s amerikanskim pasportom na vyezde iz Rossii mogut vozniknut' slozhnosti. Naskol'ko ja znaju, pri obraschenii za Rossijskoi vizoi nado v ankete otvetit' na vopros: ne prihodilos' li vam kogda nibud' byt' grazhdaninom Rossii? Vprochem, esli imia-familija pozvoliajut, to mozhno poehat' i po amerikanskomu pasportu.

Ja by poehal po rossijskomu pasportu, a amerikanskij polozhil v dal'nij karman, na vsiakij pozharnyj sluchaj.

Voobsche, etot vopros godami mussiruetsia v russkojazychnyh konferentsiah. Pojdite na www.dejanews.com i poischite po kliuchevym slovam: Russian, passport, citizenship.

Chto kasaetsia togo, priznaijot li Rossija dvojnoe grazhdanstvo, to eto vopros chisto teoreticheskij, tipa "skol'ko chertej mogut sidet' na kontse igolki". Vy chto, pogranichniku v Sheremetievo konstitutsiju tsitirovat' budete?
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Двойное гражданство

Post by petersburger »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">quote[quote:203ea7bac2]1. YOu don't go to Russia with two passports unless you are looking for big time thrills.[/quote:203ea7bac2]

Not really. As long as you don't show both of you passports to the authorities at the same time, you should be fine. Just use you Russian passport for entering and leaving Russia and a US passport for entering the US.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">quote[quote:203ea7bac2]2. Once you get American citizenship, you better [...] officially renounce your Russian citizenship, unless you want to live dangerously with problems on both sides.[/quote:203ea7bac2]

Both Russia and the US allow dual citizenship. Most likely, you won't have any problems on either side (unless you are a Russian guy under 27 who is dodging the draft [img:203ea7bac2]http://www.privet.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img:203ea7bac2] ).

Pavel (aka petersburger)
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Двойное гражданство

Post by Mickey »

>>Both Russia and the US allow dual citizenship.
That disagrees with the N-400 package I received from the INS which states that I have to renounce other citizenships to obtain American citizenship.

I guess, now I face a touch choice: either I follow the INS guidelines or gamble with your opinion on my flag.

Probably no one will blame me if I stick with the US government requirement. It's safer!


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Двойное гражданство

Post by petersburger »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">quote[quote:c1f02205f5]I guess, now I face a touch choice: either I follow the INS guidelines or gamble with your opinion on my flag.[/quote:c1f02205f5]

[img:c1f02205f5]http://www.privet.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img:c1f02205f5] I appreciate your sarcasm. Although I don't remember saying anything about flags, as far as dual citizenship goes, you don't have to take my word for it. An oath denouncing prior citizenship does not mean automatic loss of that citizenship or illegality of being a dual citizen after you take the oath.

The INS and Dept. of State regulations that used to prohibit dual citizenship were struck down by the US Supreme Court in Vance v. Terrazas back in 1980. Ever since, it's perfectly legal for US citizens to be dual citizens.

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Двойное гражданство

Post by abc123 »

Oh boy, this old and tedious discussion on whether the US allow dual citizenship starts again. Just go to the Rich Wales page and read it
http://www.webcom.com/richw/dualcit /
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Post by petersburger »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">quote[quote:9f8dff5ddf]But if that's the case it's good -- I can go to Costa Rica with American passport and to Iraq with the Russian one.[/quote:9f8dff5ddf]

[img:9f8dff5ddf]http://www.privet.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img:9f8dff5ddf] Iraq is too far. Go to Cuba instead, it's a lot more fun than Costa Rica (except for the surfing which is better in Costa Rica). If you fly to Havana via Cancun, Uncle Sam won't even find out. And if you fly Cubana de Aviacion, you'll get a chance to enjoy the comfort of TU-154 once again. [img:9f8dff5ddf]http://www.privet.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img:9f8dff5ddf]

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">quote[quote:9f8dff5ddf]Still, I have a story on my balance about a friend of my ex-girlfriend who was maroon in Moscow for 6 months because he was caught with 2 passports with him.[/quote:9f8dff5ddf]

Obvously, when you are in Russia, showing your US passport [without a Russian visa] to the authorities is not a very bright idea.

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Двойное гражданство

Post by Mickey »

>>The INS and Dept. of State regulations that used to prohibit dual citizenship were struck down by the US
Oh, boy. Nothing is simple again. I should had realized that the N-400 forms are still asking you a question if you were a affiliated with a communist party. Of course the very next question is have I ever persecuted anyone on the ground of their beliefs. :-/

But if that's the case it's good -- I can go to Costa Rica with American passport and to Iraq with the Russian one.

Still, I have a story on my balance about a friend of my ex-girlfriend who was maroon in Moscow for 6 months because he was caught with 2 passports with him.

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Двойное гражданство

Post by Mickey »

>>Iraq is too far.
Rephrasing an old Georgian saying, "The road to fun is never long." Come on, bro, it's the bloody craddle of our "sivilaizeishn," is it not!? :O

>>Go to Cuba instead, it's a lot more fun
Yeah, I like Cubanas better, there are more tall slim girls, the kind I like. But I'd rather wait for Fidel to croak, bite the dust, get a dispatch, datj duba, sygratj v jascik, prikazatj dolgo xitj. Then guess what, all these ladies cab drivers are going back to where they come from, to train the new generation. Then I call it "fun" by my definition. :P

>>Pavel (aka petersburger)
Let me ask you typical American question:

Does that petersburger come with French Fries? [img:895cb3ebad]http://www.privet.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img:895cb3ebad]

Hope you don't mind me joking like this



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