Does anyone have experience of loading Chinese into Oracle?

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Does anyone have experience of loading Chinese into Oracle?

Post by aneretin »

I'm trying to load some data into Oracle database (with UTF8 characterset).
Everything is ok with French, Spanish, German and Protuguese.
But it doesn't work for Chinese for some reason.
I was able to load Chinese into SQL Server.

Does anybody have similar experience?
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Post by Michael Popov »

Как Вы загружаете данные ?

Возможно европейские языки представлены 1 byte per character, а китайский ... ну он и есть китайский :). Там могут быть разные упаковки: 2 bytes per character или variable number of bytes per char.
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Post by aneretin »

I have source data in the Excel spreadsheet.
I'm using MS SQL Server Enterprise manager Export/Import utility.
I was able to load data correctly into SQL Server.
After that I tried to load to Oracle from Excel and from SQL Server.
I've got problems with Spanish and Portuguese.
After that I added all possible languages in Regional Options tab of Control Panel
all Europian languages went though smothly (French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese). But for Chinese I'm getting just "kvadratiki".
Before I added languages I could see Chinese in my source spreadsheet.
Now I can see it, but when I paste/copy into Word, Notepad, SQL*Plus, TOAD
I can't see Chinese.
Last thing I tried was SQLPlus Worksheet: I was able to write update statement (meaning Chinese was ok), but when I queried updated record back I saw "kvadratiki".
So, for now I don't know whether it's my laptop screwed up, or I don't have correct nls parameters set up on the client side, or both.
Database (8.1.7) has UTF8 character set.

Any ideas?

Spasibo in advance,
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Post by Michael Popov »

Хм, интересно ...

Disclaimer: я не Oracle DBA и даже не специалист, но с Oracle приходиться работать и нынешний проэкт как раз связан с поддержкой Unicode.

Если у Вас клиентская часть и серверная часть на разных машинах, то нужно проверить, что клиентская часть тоже поддерживает Unicode.
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Post by oMoses »

Почти уверен, что проблемы на стороне клиента. Нужно обеспечить полную поддрежку им Chinese characters.
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Post by aneretin »

I'm pretty sure you are right, but what should I do?
I have MS Server 2000 on my laptop.
I've set up all languages in regional settings.
I tried to set up NLS_LANG evironmental variable on Client side (Oracle doesn't recommend that fo MS client) and it did screwed up even European languages (Portuguese and Spanish).
I was thinking about setting NLS_LANG to some Chinese settings on the client side. But I'm confused, cause I'm able to see Chinese only in Excel.
What else can I set up on the client side?

PS Client and DB on the different boxes: client on my laptot, and server on hp unix somewhere in North Carolina. I don't have access to the db box as a unix user, but have dba privileges for the DB.
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Post by Mark »

aneretin wrote:I'm pretty sure you are right, but what should I do?
I have MS Server 2000 on my laptop.
I've set up all languages in regional settings.
I tried to set up NLS_LANG evironmental variable on Client side (Oracle doesn't recommend that fo MS client) and it did screwed up even European languages (Portuguese and Spanish).
I was thinking about setting NLS_LANG to some Chinese settings on the client side. But I'm confused, cause I'm able to see Chinese only in Excel.
What else can I set up on the client side?

PS Client and DB on the different boxes: client on my laptot, and server on hp unix somewhere in North Carolina. I don't have access to the db box as a unix user, but have dba privileges for the DB.

Попробуйте на время загрузки поставить в registry на клиенте китайский NLS_LANG
после загрузки поменять обратно на WE8MSWIN1252
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Post by Mark »

btw вот статья с Металинка The correct NLS_LANG in a Windows Environment
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Post by aneretin »


Thanks for advise.
Actually what I did was:
1. I loaded data into SQL Server first.
2. I loaded data from SQL Server to Oracle 3 times with three different NLS_LANG (None, UTF8, TRADITIO...).

I can see that data is stored different ways, but I can't check.

Unfortunatelly I don't have registration to the registration on, so I can't read Metelkin's article.

So, for now the major problem how to see chinese in different application.
I can see it in excel spreadsheet and in SQL Server when I use Enterprise manager.
All the rest applications don't show me chinese (word, notepad, any oracle tools, sql query analyzer, and so on).

Probably Metelkin says something in his article.
Is there any way you could copy this article and forward it to me, please?

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Post by Mark »

aneretin wrote:Is there any way you could copy this article and forward it to me, please?


ушло в приват

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