Хочу высказать свое мнение о practice of law in general.
Practice of law is nothing more than ordinary sales. All your life, starting from the day you decide to submit your application to law school of your dreams you'll be selling something. All your professional life as a lawyer you’ll be selling.
First, you'll be selling yourself to the admission committee. You’ll have to come up with some BS explaining why they should take you in. This sale is easy. You gonna show your grades, make up a story about your hard life, ability to study and desire to help poor.
Second big sale is selling yourself to prospective employer. This one is little harder. Here, you have to convince them that you are perfect applicant and you are way better than other 30,000 hungry graduates who would kill for this job.
Next big sale: selling yourself to new boss. Here, you have to convince him to give you The Work, not just a regular routine work.
Once you have some experience and sold yourself to your boss, you should be ready to sell yourself to the client. This step is the most important one, assuming you still want to be a lawyer by this time. You have to convince them why they have to work with you and not the other 100 guys with more experience from your department.
Next: selling your firm to the client. Why you and your firm but not the other million law firms across the street.
If you work in litigation, you have considerably more selling to do. However, here you are not sellingyourself only. You will be selling your case regardless of whether or not your case is strong or the biggest piece of shit on this planet. First of all, you have to sell your case to the opposing counsel. You must create a solid impression in his head that your case is strong and winnable.
Then you go in front of a judge and continue your dual selling: (1) your case is as good as gold; and (2) you know the law better than him and opposing counsel.
Sometimes, you’ll have the jury trials. This time, you are selling yourself only. Facts are facts, you cannot change them. However, you can make them like you more than the other guy in $5,000-dollar suit across the courtroom. This skill will make or break your case.
Sorry for the mistakes; I was selling myself to prospective clients at the poker table while consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and speaking about stupid Chicago Cubs game. It's really hard
Why did I write it? If you have troubles landing your first job, think for a second what’s waiting for you next.