Fortinbras wrote:Ну две мамы - всяко лучше в воспитании детей (и в избегании связанных с этим природных катаклизмов), чем мать-одиночка.
Да это, вроде, уже довольно широкоизвестный факт.. Выращивание детей двумя гомосексуальными партнерами может оказаться довольно рискованным мероприятием, в плане как психического здоровья так и половой ориентации у вырастающего поколения..
Пробегало несколько исследований, показавших (учитывая всякие методологические несовершенства) довольно тревожные результаты..
Причем, насколько я понимаю из "чтения между строк", затевали подобные исследования с целью получить совершенно противоположные данные...
Lynn D. Wardle @1997 University of Illinois Law Review 833 wrote:
Given the sympathetic orientation and methodological bias of the social science studies of the effects of homosexual parenting on children, it is remarkable that the data reported in some of these studies provides a basis for serious concerns about potential detrimental effects upon children raised by gay or lesbian parents. Because of the methodological flaws mentioned above (such as small sample size), the concerns cannot be called conclusive, but the data certainly raise questions that need to be examined. Until these concerns are conclusively dispelled, it would not be rational to adopt a public policy endorsing or legitimating homosexual parenting. The most obvious risk to children from their parents' homosexual behavior suggested by the current studies relates to the sexual development of the child. Both theory and empirical studies indicate the potential that disproportionate percentages of children raised by homosexual parents will develop homosexual interests and behaviors. [FN84] The Belcastro study noted that even based on the studies biased to produce data supporting homosexual parenting “there appears to be some significant differences between children raised by lesbian mothers versus heterosexual mothers in their family relationships, gender identity and gender behavior. . . . [The only study that] utilized a post-adolescent sample . . . reported 23.5 percent of the subjects homosexual. However, [this] sample was seriously flawed.” [FN85]
И далее, оттуда же:
Increased likelihood of homosexual interest is not the only potential risk for children raised by homosexual parents. Javaid's study also discovered “noticeable” concerns for both lesbian mothers and their sons regarding discipline, expectations, and general parent-child relations. [FN100] Other studies have also reported that boys raised by homosexual mothers may have a lower self-image regarding masculinity. [FN101] Children born to or adopted by lesbian mothers who were examined by Charlotte Patterson, for example, showed more symptoms of stress and were “more likely to report feeling angry, scared or upset.” [FN102] A study of children of lesbians by Karen Gail Lewis revealed a “defensiveness” on the part of the children of lesbian couples she studied, [FN103] a pattern of denial-- especially deep in the youngest child in the lesbian couples she studied, [FN104] hostility from older boys, especially directed at the mother's lesbian lover, [FN105] children's expressed concern for the welfare of siblings, [FN106] children's concerns about their own sexuality, [FN107] children's concerns about the integrity of their family, [FN108] concerns about their mother's homosexual activities, [FN109] evidence that one of the lesbian mothers expressly encouraged her daughters to make lesbian sexual choices, [FN110] children forced to conceal one parent's secret sexual behaviors from the other parent, [FN111] and “gross maladaptive behavior [by older teenagers that] occurred around the time of the mother's disclosure [of her lesbian relationship].” [FN112] Likewise, the Belcastro study noted that studies biased in favor of homosexual parenting disclosed that children (especially daughters) of lesbians have increased levels of fantasized anxiety, increased tendencies toward inhibition, increased tendencies toward sadness (at least sons of lesbians), and disclosed increased cross-dressing among daughters, and less cooperative behavior. Sons of lesbians were reportedly more influenced by peers than children raised by heterosexual parents. [FN113] ... enting.doc
Т.е. возможно, что даже "два папы" справляются с делом выращивания детей несколько лучше, чем "две мамы"..
Особенно, если речь идет о воспитании этими мамами мальчиков...
The above posting is not intended and should not be construed as a professional advice. One is encouraged to seek a professional opinion. Individual results may vary. Do not try this at home!