world is not running out of oil

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world is not running out of oil

Post by KP580BE51 »

If you think the world is on the verge of running out of oil or other mineral resources, you've been taken in by the foremost of seven myths about resource geology, according to a University of Washington economic geologist.
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Post by krek »

""The most common question I get is, 'When are we going to run out of oil.' The correct response is, 'Never,'" said Eric Cheney. "It might be a heck of a lot more expensive than it is now, but there will always be some oil available at a price, perhaps $10 to $100 a gallon."
Свежая мысль - прямо экономический гений...
Естественно, абсолютно - не кончиться, просто при достижении ей определённого ценового уровня, бензин будет дешевле делать, например, из водорода и углерод и стоить он будет так, что придётся на троллейбусе.
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