Among other things, Baucus' plan would drop the public option provision favored by many Democrats, allow for the creation of nonprofit health care cooperatives and tax insurance companies that provide the most expensive health insurance plans.
As with other proposals to overhaul health care, it would would bar insurance companies from dropping a policyholder in the event of illness, add new protections for people with pre-existing conditions and establish tax credits to help low- and middle-income families purchase insurance coverage, according to a source close to the negotiations.
The plan also would create health insurance exchanges to make it easier for small groups and individuals to buy insurance.
It proposes new fees intended to generate $6 billion from health insurance companies and $4 billion a year from the medical-device manufacturing sector starting in 2010, along with additional money from drug makers and clinical laboratories.
Under the proposal, health insurance would be mandatory for all Americans, and those lacking coverage could be fined, with a maximum penalty of $3,800 for families making more than 300 percent above the poverty line.
Considered part of a last-ditch effort to secure Republican votes for a health care bill, the compromise proposal received a lukewarm reception from Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, one of the Republicans in the Gang of Six.
Grassley criticized the proposed tax on expensive health insurance policies Tuesday, saying it likely would be passed on to consumers in the form of higher premiums and therefore drive up the cost of insurance.
Как и следовало ожидат, кинули всех леммингов, GOP сливает все, фарм.компании взвивают ценыв,
"Доренки" типа Бека, Лимбо и О'Райли имеют бледный вид. Но не это самое главное.
Интересно другое. А именно, мое пролетарское сознание видит чудную картину растущих в первые нескольок месяцев, как грибы, "кооперативов" и "нон-профит" кидалов, куда что? правильло! ломянется люд на их цены, далее цепочка банкротств страховых компаний, и в предпоследнем акте, лопающихся "грибов". А public option - тю-тю...
Или это я перевозбудился?