Процедура получения гражданства?

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Процедура получения гражданства?

Post by Inu »

Кто знает, можно ли после подачи на гражданство длительно находиться за пределами Канады? И еще, если клятва уже была, PR карту отбирают? То есть, до получения паспорта можно за пределы Канады выезжать или нет, то если уже вроде и не PR, но паспорта еще нет?
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Re: Процедура получения гражданства?

Post by perasperaadastra »

Я слышал, что паспорт можно сделать в день присяги (если попросить). В принципе, можно выезжать до получения паспорта, но потом придется через консульство как-то этот паспорт выцарапывать (кто знает, сколько это займет времени), чтобы въехать обратно.

А после подачи документов на гражданство можно ездить сколько угодно... Ныне заявки рассматрваются со скоростью 10 букв в день.
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Re: Процедура получения гражданства?

Post by Inu »

То есть, Пр карту отбирают в день присяги?

Меня интересуют не краткосрочные, а долгосрочные поездки, то есть уехать из Канады на год и приезжать только на тест и присягу.
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Re: Процедура получения гражданства?

Post by perasperaadastra »

Посмотрел сайт CIC. До присяги уезжать с ПР карточкой не проблема на любые сроки. А после присяги вы перестаете быть ПР и становитесь гражданином, и для въезда в Канаду вам нужно показать документ, удостоверяющий это. Причем, CIC говорит, что citizenship certificate для этого не годится, и нужен паспорт. Люди говорят, что подать можно сразу после церемонии, и получение займет около недели. Однако, наверняка есть способы ускорить это есть достаточные основания. Вот что люди писали два года назад:
"Express" and "Urgent" Classifications for Rush Canadian Passport Applications
There are two options: The "Express" and the "Urgent" option.

The Express option will have your passport ready in 2-9 business days. The Urgent option will get your passport processed in 24 hours. These of course are what they aim for, your mileage may vary.

In order to qualify for the Express and Urgent options, one must bring proof of travel, such as an airline, bus or train ticket, a travel itinerary with proof of payment, or a written declaration if travelling by car (accepted at Passport Canada Officer's Discretion).

The Urgent service costs an extra $70 per application on top of the regular Passport Canada Fees. The Express service costs an extra $30 per application. I am unsure as to whether they would allow your application to be processed under the "Express" service if you were to need your passport in say, 10 days.

Pickup of your passport is available at the office where you left your application forms for an extra charge of $10. Regular Passports are sent Xpresspost from Gatineau Quebec, so often getting them mailed to you would be almost as fast (unless Xpresspost loses your package).

Same Day Canadian Passports
Apparently it is possible to get a Canadian passport the same day. Here's a comment from an anonymous poster:

"I had a friend that had to travel on short notice (death in the family, but family lived in southern states). He was able to get his passport same day by going directly to the main office in downtown Toronto. It took most of the day and he had to show everything about the trip for proof (plane tickets, hotel reservations, etc). He went down the night before and stayed in a motel overnight in T.O, then got to the offices just when they opened and had it by the time they closed. So it can be done, as long as you can be there all day and have all the info."

I'm guessing that not all locations can do this, and they'll want to see plenty of proof for why you want one the same day (and it could take you all day too).
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Re: Процедура получения гражданства?

Post by perasperaadastra »

И вот еще:
Passport FAQs

Q: Where can I get the passport application forms?
A: You can download them from the website for Passport Canada. If you would prefer, our office can mail you the forms. Call us at 617-247-5100 on weekdays between 8:45AM - 5PM to request an application.

Q: I have had a Canadian passport before. Can I use the "renewal" process? Aren't I renewing my passport anyway?
A: Yes, you may use the simplified passport renewal process, but ONLY IF you meet certain criteria. Please note that the simplified renewal process is not available for children! This process is available only to adults.

You may use the renewal process only if:

You submit a previous Canadian passport that:
was issued to you within the last SIX (6) years from the date of reception of this current application,
was/is valid for FIVE (5) years,
is not damaged,
was never reported as being lost or stolen, and
was issued IN CANADA (as indicated under Issuing Authority" on page 2 of the submitted passport);
The name on the renewal application form is exactly the same as the name that appears on the submitted passport; and
You were at least 16 years of age at the time of your previous application.
Q: Where do I send my application, photos, and documents?
A: The mailing addresses are in the application form instructions.

If you plan to send everything via regular mail, send to:

Passport Canada
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Gatineau, QC K1A 0G3 CANADA

If you plan to send everything using a courier service, send to:

Passport Canada
22 de Varennes Street
Gatineau, QC J8T 8R1 CANADA
T: 800-567-6868

Q: What is a courier service?
A: It signifies a company that provides overnight express mail, for example FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.

Q: Which is the best way to send my application?
A: It is recommended that you use a courier service to ensure the safety of your documents in transit and to ensure its prompt arrival at Passport Canada.

Q: Can I send my application to Passport Canada using registered mail?
A: Yes, you can, but please note that envelopes and packets sent by registered mail to Canada can take 3 to 4 weeks. If there is some urgency in receiving your passport you should use a courier service.

Q: How is the passport returned to me?
A: The passport is returned to you by overnight courier. Someone must be available to sign for the passport. If you are not at home, the courier company will notify you to contact them so that other arrangements will be made to safely deliver the passport to you. You do NOT need to include extra money for this service. The fee for the overnight return service is included in the price you paid for the passport.

Q: What is the processing time for a passport?
A: The current processing time is 4 WEEKS from the date the application was received at Passport Canada if you submitted a complete and correct application. IMPORTANT: Processing times are subject to change! Please visit Passport Canada's website for the most up to date processing times.

Q: Is there any expedited service by mail for Canadians in the US?
A: No.

Q: Can I make my application for a new passport in person at a regional Passport Canada office in Canada?
A: Yes, you can, but you must be there in person to make the application, and in most cases you must be there in person to pick up the passport once it is prepared. You cannot send a friend or family member to do this in your stead at either end of the application process.

Search service locations at this site. Note that you must go to a Passport Canada Office, NOT a Canada Service Centre or Canada Post Office.

REGULAR Service at a regional Passport Canada office:

The service standard for this option is 10 working days. Once printed, the passport is forwarded from the Print Centre to the applicant's address in the U.S. by secure courier. Should the applicant prefer to pick up the passport at the regional office where the application was submitted, pickup service can be requested for a fee of CDN$10 (in addition to the passport fee).

EXPRESS service at a regional Passport Canada office:

The service standard for this option is from 2 to 9 working days (depending on the applicant's needs). The passport must be picked up at the regional office where the application was submitted. The fee for express pickup service is CDN$30 (in addition to the passport fee).

URGENT service at a regional Passport Canada office:

Proof of travel is required. The service standard for this option is same day or within the next working day (depending on the applicant's needs). The passport must be picked up at the regional office where the application was submitted. The fee for express pickup service is CDN$70 (in addition to the passport fee).

Contact Passport Canada at 1-800-567-6868 for more information in this regard.

Q: How can I check the status of my passport application?
A: Call Passport Canada toll-free from the US at 1-800-567-6868. The Consulate does not have any information in this regard.

Q: What happens if I made a mistake and my application is rejected?
A: Passport Canada will close your file and return everything to you with a letter outlining the problem and telling you how to correct it. You will not be charged the fee in this instance. You will need to correct the error and then review your application again carefully for any other errors before sending it back to Passport Canada.

In order to avoid this situation, read all instructions carefully! Also, you should refer to this list of common errors and how to avoid them PDF * (159 KB). Note that if you are using the simplified renewal form, certain sections of the checklist will not apply to you.

Q: Can someone at the Consulate in Boston review my passport application before I send it up?
A: Yes. E-mail us at bostncs@international.gc.ca or call 617-247-5100 extension 3000 or extension 3500 to set up an appointment for this. We will review your application, documents, and photos for any errors, but we cannot submit the application for you. You will still have to send it off yourself after departing the Consulate. Many people have found this service to be very helpful.

Q: How much does my new passport cost?
A: Refer to the Instruction sheets that accompany your application form for this information. Prices are subject to change! Check Passport Canada's website http://www.pptc.gc.ca for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Currently the prices are:

Passport for an Adult = CDN$97
Passport for a child aged 3-15 = CDN$37
Passport for a child under 3 years of age = CDN$22

Q: Can I pay in US funds?
A: NO. Passport Canada does not accept US funds for payment. You MUST pay in Canadian funds. The easiest way to do this is to pay using a credit card. There are places on all the application forms to enter your credit card information.

Q: I don't have a credit card, and wish to pay with a money order in Canadian funds. Where can I go to get a money order in Canadian funds?
A: Inquire at your bank. Most of the time the bank will have to first order Canadian funds, and you may be charged a fee for this. When the Canadian funds have been received at the bank (usually takes 2 weeks), they will issue the money order in Canadian funds. Please note that this service is not available at every bank.

Please note that a money order signified as an "international money order" does not mean that it will automatically be accepted by Passport Canada, as it may have been issued in US funds.

Be sure that the money order you plan to send in with your application is in CANADIAN FUNDS.

Q: What is a guarantor?
A: A guarantor is someone who confirms your identity.

Q: I am not able to use the simplified renewal process to get my passport. I am confused about the other two types of passport applications currently available for use by Canadians in the US. What is the difference between the forms PPTC140 (PPTC142 for children) and PPTC153 (PPTC155 for children)?
A: The difference is in the guarantor requirement for each one.

On the old format (140 or 142) your guarantor must be either Canadian or American, has to have known you personally for at least 2 years, and must fit into a particular career category. See the Instruction pages that accompany your form for more information in this regard. The guarantor you choose MUST fit all the criteria as outlined in the instructions.

On the new forms (153 and 155) your guarantor must be a Canadian citizen, must have known you personally for at least 2 years, must be 18 years of age or over, must possess a valid Canadian passport, and must have been at least 16 years of age when he or she made the application for their current passport. For more information on this guarantor policy read the instruction sheets that accompany the application. The guarantor you choose MUST fit all the criteria as outlined in the instructions.

Q: I don't know anyone who can act as a guarantor for me. What should I do?
A: You will have to complete a form PPTC132 Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor that must accompany your application. This form is not available on-line. To obtain one of these forms, call our office at 617-247-5100 extension 3000 or extension 3500 during regular hours, or e-mail your request for a PPTC132 form to bostncs@international.gc.ca. Be sure to indicate your mailing address.

Q: Who can sign a PPTC132 form?
A: Any notary public or lawyer in the US can sign the PPTC132 form. You do not have to have known this person for any length of time. Remember that this person must also sign the back of one of your photographs and any copies of documents to support identity.

Q: Where can I find a notary public?
A: They are very easy to find. Check at your office, your bank, your local library, your post office, or in the yellow pages.

Q: Can someone at the Consulate in Boston sign the PPTC132 form for me?
A: Yes, but you will require an appointment, and there will be a fee payable in cash on the day of your appointment. Currently the fee for this service is US$50 but this is subject to change based on currency fluctuations. Contact the Consular Services section by e-mail at bostncs@international.gc.ca if you wish to arrange for this service.

Q: I have lost my passport. What should I do to replace it?
A: Call Passport Canada at 1-800-567-6868 as soon as possible to report the loss.

You must apply for a new passport through the standard process, and you CANNOT use the simplified renewal process. Ensure that you send a completed form PPTC203 form "Declaration Concerning a Lost or Stolen Passport" along with your forms, documents, and photos. PPTC203 forms are available on-line or from our office. As with the 132 forms, a notary public or lawyer must sign this form. An officer at the Consulate can sign the form for you, provided you set up an appointment and are willing to pay the service fee.

Q: Do I need to send my current passport in with the application?
A: Yes, IF it is valid or has been expired for less than one year. If your passport has been expired for more than one year, you do not need to send it in with your application.

Q: If I send in my current passport with my application for a new one, will it be returned to me?
A: Yes, it will be cancelled and returned to you at your request. Check the appropriate box on the application in this regard.

Q: Do I need to send original proof of Canadian citizenship if I've already had a passport issued to me, or if my current passport has not yet expired?
A: If you are using the simplified renewal process, you are not required to submit proof of Canadian citizenship.

If you are using the either of the other 2 forms as outlined previously, then YES, you absolutely must send in your original proof of Canadian citizenship with the application.

Q: Do I need to send the original of my proof of Canadian citizenship? Can I send a notarized copy instead?
A: If you are using an application process that requires you to submit proof of your Canadian citizenship, you MUST send the original form of your proof of Canadian citizenship. Photocopies, notarized or otherwise, will NOT be accepted. Your proof of Canadian citizenship will be returned to you.

Q: Are Canadian passport photographs the same as US passport photographs?
A: NO. There are several differences. You must submit the Canadian style passport photographs with your application, or it will be rejected. More information on the Canadian passport photo specifications.

Q: Can I get Canadian passport photographs taken at the typical places where American passport photos are taken, such as US post offices, AAA offices, drug stores, etc.?
A: You can try, but in the vast majority of cases these places are not set up to take photos that meet the Canadian specifications.

Q: Can you suggest some studios in the area that are familiar with the Canadian passport photo specifications?
A: Yes. Please click on the link titled "Photography Studios" in the left hand menu bar above for some suggestions.

Q. The photo studio I went to have my passport photos taken does not have a stamp with their name and address to put on the back of my pictures. Is it ok to hand-write it?
A. Yes, but make sure you write lightly so that it does not come through to the other side to ruin your picture.

Q. I need to renew my passport. It is currently valid, and I travel quite frequently. Can I keep it while my new passport application is being processed?
A. No. If your passport is still valid at the time you submit an application for a new one, you must send it with the application. You can never have two valid Canadian passports at the same time. Many people decide to apply for their new passport while in Canada, where they may obtain expedited processing.

Q. I recently declared my passport lost/stolen/inaccessible. Fortunately, I just found it. Can I still use it/can I still travel on it?
A. No. Once you inform Passport Canada that your passport is no longer in your possession, it is cancelled and can no longer be used for travel. As the Canadian passport is the property of the Canadian government, you need to surrender it to the closest Canadian diplomatic mission should you happen to find it after reporting it lost/stolen.

Q. I didn't realize until today that my 5 year passport is expired and I need to travel soon. Can I get an emergency extension at your office?
A. Please note there is no such thing as extending the validity of a passport issued for 5 years. The maximum validity of any Canadian passport is 5 years. If your passport has expired, you will have to apply for a new one.

Q. My passport is still valid, however I travel quite extensively and my passport ran out of pages. Is it possible to add pages to it?
A. No. There is no longer the possibility to add pages to a Canadian passport. If your passport is out of clean visa pages, you will have to apply for a new passport. Since you travel extensively, you might consider requesting the 48 page passport for an additional fee.
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Re: Процедура получения гражданства?

Post by Boriskin »

Inu wrote:То есть, Пр карту отбирают в день присяги?
Да, взамен дают сертификат гр-ва.
Меня интересуют не краткосрочные, а долгосрочные поездки, то есть уехать из Канады на год и приезжать только на тест и присягу.
Тупизна как Энтропия. Неумолимо растет.
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Re: Процедура получения гражданства?

Post by Areg »

Boriskin wrote:
Меня интересуют не краткосрочные, а долгосрочные поездки, то есть уехать из Канады на год и приезжать только на тест и присягу.
на сколько я помню если поезка дольше чем на две недели надо обьязательно поставить в известность cic
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Re: Процедура получения гражданства?

Post by Boriskin »

Areg wrote:на сколько я помню если поезка дольше чем на две недели надо обьязательно поставить в известность cic
Ничего не знаю про 2 недели, знаю чел-ка, который уезжал на год после подачи. По адресу в CIC жили друзья, и когда пришло приглашение на экзамен - чел-ка известили и он приехал.
Тупизна как Энтропия. Неумолимо растет.

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