дальше читать: http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/goeb28.htmThe Third Reich has been the target of its mockery, hatred, lies, and slander since 30 January 1933, especially from that part controlled by the Jews. The American press takes particular pleasure in criticizing Germany on grounds of humanitarianism, civilization, human rights, and culture. It has every right to do so. Its humanity is shown by lynchings. Its civilization is shown in economic and political scandals that stink to high heaven. Its human rights are displayed by eleven or twelve million unemployed, who apparently chose to be so. And its culture exists only because it is always borrowing from the older European nations. Such a nation is certainly justified in sneering at ancient Europe, whose nations and peoples looked back on centuries, even millennia, of cultural achievements long before America was discovered.
The American press replies to our complaints by saying that it has nothing against Germany, only against National Socialism. That is a poor excuse. National Socialism today is Germany’s guiding political idea and worldview. The entire German nation affirms it. To criticize National Socialism today therefore means to criticize the entire German nation.
на немцеком: http://tpeceny.nazory.cz/politika/kral/Goebbels.htm
Вот интересно. 72 года уже прошло. Почему с тех пор ничего нового не придумали? Геббельс - гений конечно, глупо это отрицать, но ведь и 72 года - большой срок.