Помощ с вопросами: .NET, ASP, ADO

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Помощ с вопросами: .NET, ASP, ADO

Post by CBETA »

Помощ с вопросами:

a)The Response object is used to share information between a single client and the Web server.
True or False

b)When the AutoGenerateColumns property is set to False, all of the columns are displayed by default.
True or False

c)Connection strings that are stored in subdirectories cannot be included within Web.config files.
True or False

d)If both the NavigateURL and the DataNavigateURL properties are set, the DataNavigateURL property takes precedence.
True or False

____ contain the connection information required to connect to an ODBC or OLE-DB data source.
a. Data Source Names c. ADO objects
b. ODBC drivers d. OLE-DB providers

f)A request to retrieve the contents of a cell in a bound column is passed as a(n) ____.
a. properties c. argument
b. constant d. procedure

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