Apple G5 vs. AMP Opteron (сравнение CPU)

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Apple G5 vs. AMP Opteron (сравнение CPU)

Post by oMoses »

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Having said all that, I'm still not sure what to buy. From the hardware side and the architecture, I'd say it's a clear win for the Opteron, considering at a dual-CPU system.

But as I intend to run some sort of UNIX on it, and knowing that this is a complete new architecture and CPU, I hesitate, because I know the open-source developers will need some time to get the LINUX or BSD kernels and applications running stable in 64bit mode on Opterons.

Apple on the other hand has a whole lot of applications already on the market - and although i don't like their GUI, I have to give them credit for the ease-of-use of most of their applications. On top of that IBM recently released their PowerPC 970 compiler for LINUX and OS X.

So here I am.. still puzzled about what to buy.. :-P
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Post by tihij »

Интересно. Так "в лоб" и не скажешь, что один CPU имеет явные преимущества перед другим.На opteron-ах работает win, linux, solaris 9 (видел серверочек sun fire v20z). На g5 - os x, linux, aix (?). Интересно было бы сравнить по тестам на одинаковос софте на одинаковых os - т.е., в данном сл., на linux-е.

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