Уважаемые читатели "Привета"!
В компании где я работаю (а точнее - непосредственно у меня в IT) есть вакансия. Посмотрите - может заинтересует кого-нибудь из вас или ваших знакомых. Подробное описание позиции - ниже; в двух словах - нужен хороший программист и чтобы мог работать в Лондоне.
Рискну открыть этим сообщением новую тему т.к. думаю что подобные сообщения ещё будут здесь появляться. Надеюсь, что не нарушаю Приветовских условий (FAQ я честно посмотрел и противопоказаний не нашёл).
Большая просьба к Борису - если всё-таки не сочтёте это письмо уместным для публикации - пожалуйста, дайте мне знать на alex@peoplebank.com, чтобы я не рассчитывал на ответы.
С уважением,
Алексей Ершов
P.S. Не удивляйтесь, увидев в подписи имя Полина - я воспользовался Приветовской "регистрацией" жены.
my name is Alex (Alexei) Erchov, I am the IT Manager of PeopleBank (the Employment Network). I currently have a vacancy for an IT professional in my department; the details of the role are included below.
Our company is not related to Russia in any way; the role doesn't require either being Russian or having any knowledge of the Russian language. The reason I'm sending this message to you is that I think quite high of Russian programmers (not an altogether strange thought for someone who is a Russian programmer himself :-).
We are located in Central London. Unfortunately we cannot consider anyone who does not have the right to work in the UK or cannot handle his/her own relocation to London.
I can be contacted on 44 171 634 3290 or alex@peoplebank.com
Best regards,
Senior Programmer/Developer
Central London (WC2)
Salary - Negotiable, based on experience
The Company
PeopleBank The Employment Network is one of the UK's leading Internet recruitment companies. It has built the UK's largest online candidate database (105,000 CVs) and has a growing list of clients. Employers are
able to use PeopleBank, via the World Wide Web, to advertise their vacancies or search the database of CVs to identify suitable potential employees. PeopleBank is a relatively young company, with a dynamic team dedicated to this innovative service.
The Role
Due to strategic relationships developed with major media partners including Daily Mail, Capital Radio and Freeserve, there now exists an opportunity to join the company at an exciting stage of its development. The role will involve developing software for PeopleBank, both for the Internet front end and various backend systems. There might also be a need for some in-house computer support and general troubleshooting.
The Ideal Candidate
The ideal candidate will need the following skills:
- degree in Computer Science with at least 2 years experience as a programmer (although we might consider a bright ambitious graduate);
- good knowledge of database design;
- solid programming experience (languages such as C/C++, Tcl, Perl or similar);
- very strong SQL skills, preferably Oracle SQL;
- some knowledge of PL/SQL;
- working knowledge of HTML;
- familiarity with both Windows environment (Windows NT and/or Windows 95) and UNIX environment (SUN Solaris).
In addition the ideal candidate will also have some experience with database administration (Oracle) and/or system administration (NT, UNIX).
Salary will be discussed upon application and will be made tempting enough for the right candidate. However, being right for this job means being extremely hard-working, being capable of meeting deadlines, and first and
foremost - being a Professional (with a capital P).
Alex Erchov
IT Manager, PeopleBank The Employment Network
Tel: +44 (0)171 634 3290
Fax: +44 (0)171 634 3263
Email: alex@peoplebank.com
Web: http://www.peoplebank.com
Есть Вакансия...
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- Уже с Приветом
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- Joined: 14 May 1999 09:01
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Есть Вакансия...
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