Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

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Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Post by MaxSt »

Двухтонный MRO успешно запущен ракетой Atlas V (с российским движком RD-180).

Камера, однако, серьезная: ... leID=11437

HiRISE will take ultra-sharp photographs over 6 kilometer swaths of the martian landscape, resolving rocks and other geologic features as small as one meter across.
HiROC researchers say they expect to process 1,000 gigantic high-resolution images and 9,000 smaller high-resolution images during the science phase of the MRO mission.

"These are huge images, and we've been developing techniques to deal with images as large as 20,000 pixels wide and 60,000 pixels long," McEwen said. It would take 1,200 typical computer screens to display all of a large HiRISE image at full resolution. HiROC will acquire a large-format printer for making photographs up to five feet wide and 10-to-15 feet long, McEwen added.

Гигапиксельные фотки - это круто. Я правда, сомневаюсь, что он "за раз" их щелкать будет, наверно это все же мозаика из нескольких фоток.

В какой, интересно, набортной памяти он эти гигабайты хранить будет...

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Re: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Post by Hamster »

MaxSt wrote:Гигапиксельные фотки - это круто. Я правда, сомневаюсь, что он "за раз" их щелкать будет, наверно это все же мозаика из нескольких фоток.

В какой, интересно, набортной памяти он эти гигабайты хранить будет...


Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s main computer is a 133 MHz, 10.4 million transistor, 32-bit, RAD750 processor. This processor is a radiation hardened version of a PowerPC750 or G3 processor, with a specially built motherboard. The RAD750 is a successor to the RAD6000. This processor may seem underpowered in comparison to a modern PC or Mac processor but it is extremely reliable and resilient, and can function in solar flare ravaged deep space.

Data is stored in a 160 Gbit (20 GB) flash memory module consisting of over 700 memory chips, each with 256 Mb capacities. This memory capacity is not actually that large, considering how much data is going to be acquired; for example, a single image from HiRISE camera can be as big as 28 Gbit.

The operating system software is VxWorks and has extensive fault protection protocols and monitoring.
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Re: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Post by tau797 »

Hamster wrote:Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s main computer is a 133 MHz, 10.4 million transistor, 32-bit, RAD750 processor. This processor is a radiation hardened version of a PowerPC750 or G3 processor, with a specially built motherboard. The RAD750 is a successor to the RAD6000. This processor may seem underpowered in comparison to a modern PC or Mac processor but it is extremely reliable and resilient, and can function in solar flare ravaged deep space.

Data is stored in a 160 Gbit (20 GB) flash memory module consisting of over 700 memory chips, each with 256 Mb capacities. This memory capacity is not actually that large, considering how much data is going to be acquired; for example, a single image from HiRISE camera can be as big as 28 Gbit.

The operating system software is VxWorks and has extensive fault protection protocols and monitoring

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