Pentagon document would alter nuclear weapons plan

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Pentagon document would alter nuclear weapons plan

Post by Lightik » ... 01577.html

The U.S. Defense Department has written a draft revision of its nuclear operations doctrine that outlines the use of nuclear weapons to pre-empt an enemy's attack with weapons of mass destruction.

According to the document, combatant commanders could request approval from the president to use nuclear weapons under a variety of scenarios, such as to pre-empt an enemy's use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States, multinational or alliance forces or civilian populations.

Commanders could seek approval to use nuclear weapons in the face of an enemy's imminent biological weapons attack that "only effects from nuclear weapons can safely destroy," the document said.

The draft also envisioned nuclear weapon use in attacks on enemy installations containing weapons of mass destruction, among other scenarios.

Как-то эта милась новость не обсуждается пока - то ли под шумок годовщины 9/11 прошла незамеченной, то ли очередной ураган кажется более реальной опасностью.
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