Floyd_Rose wrote:Митяй wrote:Да полно, лень очередной раз рыться. Про то, что в арабские гетто полиция предпочитает не заходить, будете отрицать ?
- Тысяча пятьсот. Все. Будете пересчитывать?
- Буду.
(c) Берегись автомобиля
Как это так лень рыться? Брехнуть неподумав не лень, а порыться вот некогда. В прошлый раз интуицией блеснули, сейчас ленью отмахиваетесь. А слив это не ваша проф. обязанность?
Да вы еще в теме про Австралию слили. Но если вам так неймется - пожалуйста.
http://www.city-journal.org/html/12_4_t ... rians.html
The laxisme of the French criminal justice system is now notorious. Judges often make remarks indicating their sympathy for the criminals they are trying (based upon the usual generalizations about how society, not the criminal, is to blame); and the day before I witnessed the scene on the Boulevard Saint-Germain, 8,000 police had marched to protest the release from prison on bail of an infamous career armed robber and suspected murderer before his trial for yet another armed robbery, in the course of which he shot someone in the head.
It is the private complaint of everyone, however, that the police have become impotent to suppress and detect crime. Horror stories abound. A Parisian acquaintance told me how one recent evening he had seen two criminals attack a car in which a woman was waiting for her husband. They smashed her side window and tried to grab her purse, but she resisted. My acquaintance went to her aid and managed to pin down one of the assailants, the other running off. Fortunately, some police passed by, but to my acquaintance’s dismay let the assailant go, giving him only a warning.
My acquaintance said to the police that he would make a complaint. The senior among them advised him against wasting his time. At that time of night, there would be no one to complain to in the local commissariat. He would have to go the following day and would have to wait on line for three hours. He would have to return several times, with a long wait each time. And in the end, nothing would be done.
As for the police, he added, they did not want to make an arrest in a case like this. There would be too much paperwork. And even if the case came to court, the judge would give no proper punishment. Moreover, such an arrest would retard their careers. The local police chiefs were paid by results—by the crime rates in their areas of jurisdiction. The last thing they wanted was for policemen to go around finding and recording crime.
Not long afterward, I heard of another case in which the police simply refused to record the occurrence of a burglary, much less try to catch the culprits. ....
http://www.quadrant.org.au/php/article_ ... cle_id=581
There are no-go areas in Paris for police and citizens alike.The rule of law has broken down so badly that when police went to one of these areas recently to round up three Islamic terrorists, they went in armoured vehicles, with heavy weaponry and over 1000 armed officers, just to arrest a few suspects.
Вы, кстати, так и не ответили - на скольки арестах арабских террористов (ну ладно, пусть будут хулиганы) вы присутствовали. Предложили от мертвого осла уши, зачем-то. Как признак слива ?
Берем гугел, набираем france arab crime - вторая ссылка :
http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/P ... omFont=YES
For at least 15 years, the immigrant and first-generation suburbs around France's large and medium-sized cities have been out of control. Crime rates have gone through the roof: According to the Renseignements Généraux, a division of the police, 70,000 violent crimes have been recorded in urban settings since the beginning of the year. ..
On October 27, the day the two died in Clichy-sous-Bois, three young thugs in another Paris suburb savagely killed a 56-year-old Frenchman who was photographing a lamppost.
Plenty of witnesses were around, but none came forward to testify.
At least as worrisome as such intermittent flare-ups is what happens every day in these ethnic neighborhoods.
Most have become a no-man's land where police scarcely venture and the law of the jungle prevails. Honest, law-abiding inhabitants feel abandoned. As Bally Bagayoko, deputy mayor of Saint-Denis, a working-class suburb of Paris, put it: "People have totally lost confidence in the police. In most cases, they don't even file a complaint." Sometimes judges are physically threatened or attacked.
Matters have reached the point where some young "Gauloises" have testified that, in a
kind of inverse assimilation process, they converted to Islam to escape harassment by Muslim thugs.
Sarkozy has been widely criticized for using that term, even by members of his own party, who accuse him of adding fuel to the fire. Much hangs on the success of his Giuliani-like "zero tolerance" approach.
As of now, he seems to be the only politician willing to tackle the thorny issues of immigration and security.
И таких ссылок про вашу францию можно нарыть сотни. Но, конечно, ваше право - уподобиться страусу. Головой в бетон, зад наружу, и конвертироваться в ислам.
А пристыдишь их - и сальцо найдется, и горилочка...