В Иране все же поинтереснее было. В первом туре было 6 кандидатов, реформист Мехди Каруби пришел третьим. Ну, не все было безоблачно, конечно, у реформистских партий и газет были претензии по проведению предвыборной агитации и использованию административного ресурса, но в подтасовке голосов никто никого не обвинял.Gennadiy wrote:Леонид Ильич Брежнев набирал бывало по 99%. Вполне демократично.
The Iranian presidential election of 2005, the ninth presidential election in Iranian history, took place in two rounds, first on June 17, 2005, and then as a run-off on June 24. It led to the victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the hardline mayor of Tehran, with 19.48% of the votes in the first round and 61.69% in the second. Ahmadinezhad is believed to have won the second round because of his populist views, especially those regarding the poor people and their economic status. The election saw a turnout of almost 60% of eligible voters, seen as a strike back by Iran at the United States' initial allegations that many in Iran would be restricted from voting.
The registration of the candidates finished on May 14, 2005 and 1014 candidates had registered to run, including many people who didn't have the qualifications required in the law. More than 90% of the candidates were men, and there were about ninety female candidates.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_pr ... tion,_2005